Chapter VIII

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They, except Izuku, decided to go home when the visiting hour was coming to end and Takemichi was still sleeping. Izuku refused to go back to Takemichi's house without Takemichi. He would only go back to take a shower and immediately go to the hospital again to be by Takemichi's side.

Say what you want. In this world, Takemichi was all he had. Just like his mother was all he had before UA in his world. He wouldn't exchange them for the world.

Despite wanting to stay longer, Mitsuya needed to take an early leave because he needed to take care of his two cute little sisters. Chifuyu also left early to buy some food and treats for his cat, Peke J. That leave only the three of them, who just now were about to go home.

Izuku smiled when they bid him goodbye, saying something about a meeting that he didn't care about. He didn't want to join a gang and never will since he might go back to his world sooner or later.

Bidding them goodbye, they were about to head out when the door was being opened from the outside. Turning their head toward the door at the same time, their eyes widen when they saw the person.

The person who had just entered looked at them shocked, mouth gaping helplessly. He tried to say something but the words refused to leave his mouth resulting in him opening and closing his mouth repeatedly.

"... Kazutora..."

Before anyone could say anything, Mikey already ran to Kazutora with his kick. His kick landed but not on Kazutora, instead, there was the green-haired boy who was blocking his kick with his arm.

The others looked at Izuku's previous spot, shocked to see the spot was empty and looked back to where Izuku was currently at. The frown on Izuku's face was cleared to their sight.

"What do you think you're doing?" Izuku snarled at Mikey "Can't you see this is a hospital?"

Mikey was snapped out of his anger when Izuku mentioned it. He looked around him seeing how the nurses in the room were looking at them displeased. Guilt immediately struck him. Lowering his leg, he bowed to the nurses saying a sorry.

Sighing softly, Izuku stiffened when he saw Takemichi stirred awake. Everyone held their breath when they saw Takemichi slowly open his eyes, revealing those mesmerizing ocean blue eyes.

No one said a word when Takemichi sat comfortably on his bed, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands cutely. When he turned to them with his half-lidded sleepy eyes, he smiled sweetly. Everyone could see how the cupid was shooting their heart seeing those cute gestures.

"You're awake?"

Takemichi sleepily nodded at Izuku's question, his eyes threatening to close again. Izuku instantly got a glass of water from the table beside the bed, giving it to Takemichi when he asked for it. Everyone watched as Takemichi gulped down the water, some droplets trickling down to his chin and then his neck.

"Huaa, that's refreshing" Takemichi sighed contently, putting the glass on the table back. That was then he saw the other occupations besides Izuku "uh oh, Hi?" Takemichi nervously waved when they only looked at him dazedly.

"Michi, how are you feeling?" The one who asked caused the others to look at him shocked. Not expect him of all people to be all familiar with Takemichi.

"Kazu-kun! You come again!" Takemichi brightened when he saw Kazutora who was fidgeting under the stare of the others. Kazutora slightly blushed at the nickname he got from Takemichi while the others were shocked. No one except Takemichi knew how it came to this.


Mikey asked blankly, his voice just a little above a whisper. Draken, Mitsuya, Baji and Chifuyu gulped nervously when they heard the empty voice of Mikey. Kazutora tried hard to avoid Mikey's intense eyes and Izuku looked unbothered by all the commotion. All the while Takemichi was blissfully unaware, still smiling brightly.

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