Chapter III

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It was afternoon, not many people walked around the neighbourhood around this time. Izuku was bored and didn't feel comfortable being alone in Takemichi's house.

He was on his way to pick up Takemichi from his school when he saw it. Takemichi followed behind three dangerous-looking teens. Don't get him wrong, he is a teenager too but teenagers are scary. Look at Bakugou for example.


Yeah, Izuku followed Takemichi and the strangers stealthily because he had a bad feeling about this. He grew up in a world where criminals and villains are everywhere so he needed to trust his instinct this time.

Was this some kind of kidnapping? They looked like the same age though, was there some kind of kidnapping case with the same age? He didn't know but he would be extra careful.

Hiding behind one of the electric poles, he saw they entered an abandoned arcade. Izuku approached the building and hardened his hearing when he heard some ruckus inside. Dread filling his stomach, clenching them together. He was worried for Takemichi.

Izuku put his hood over his head and entered the place, staying stealthy. He saw two guards at the entrance. Before they noticed him, Izuku hit them on their weak point causing them to be knocked out cold. He let his eyes roam around to search for Takemichi. When he found Takemichi, he walked carefully not to alert anyone that he was there

Arriving exactly behind Takemichi and a boy with black and yellow hair, that was when Izuku saw the former Toman first division Captain, Baji was beating someone. Izuku's eyes widen when he noticed the boy who was beaten was the boy he saw in the Toman meeting. Izuku was about to help the boy when Baji stopped.

"Is this good enough for you, Hanma?"

Izuku immediately lowered his head, letting the hood cover his face when Baji looked towards him. He snapped his eyes towards the tall guy who sat on the table when he stood up. Seemed like he was the Hanma.

"Kazutora!" Seemed like the boy with black and yellow hair was Kazutora since he replied the tall guy. "Did you get him?"

"Yeah, this one" Kazutora pointed towards serious-looking Takemichi "Hanagaki Takemichi, Toman new member" Takemichi just put his blank face all the time even if he was drowning in concerns for Chifuyu.

Izuku put his guard up when the tall guy approached Takemichi.

"So, you're Hanagaki, Toman's cutie" Takemichi willed himself not to blush but seemed like he failed when Kazutora cooed at him. "Step forward"

Takemichi immediately stepped forward, avoiding a hand that would push him.

Izuku's fist tightened when the members were screaming at Takemichi, encouraging them to kill Takemichi. He didn't pay any attention to others since he was busy thinking about how to beat them all up. That was not hero-like but if they did anything to Takemichi, no one would stop him from putting them six feet under the ground.

When Baji was accepted into the gang, Takemichi didn't pay any attention to what others said as Baji told him about how Kazutora used to be a Toman member and was also a part of Toman's founders. Takemichi didn't say anything as they told him how that one incident in 2003 got Kazutora into Juvie since he already heard it before.

Izuku was snapped out of his thought when the Hanma guy approached Takemichi closer, making Takemichi uncomfortable. Izuku's legs immediately put himself between Hanma and Takemichi, earning multiple sounds of shock around the building. Izuku snarled at the shocked Hanma, protecting Takemichi behind him.

'Since when he was here?' Everyone except Izuku thought. No one knew he was here, no one sensed his presence before.

"Put your distance from Micchan" Izuku growled.

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