Chapter VII

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Since the day when Izuku woke up with cold sweat running down his forehead, Takemichi couldn't help but notice that Izuku was often lost in his thought. Takemichi was really worried for the greenette, wondering what he was dreaming about for him to wake up like that.

They might be not together for a long time but the other was like a brother to him, a brother he never had. So when the greenette always startled badly when Takemichi talked to him, he couldn't help but be worried. A lot. Izuku interacted or touched him with so much care, as if afraid he could break with a slight touch. And Takemichi did not like it one bit.

So, after a day of witnessing that worrisome behaviour, Takemichi decided to confront Izuku about it. He couldn't bear seeing him burdening the weight alone! That was just the kind of person Takemichi was.


There goes again, startled when he was spoken to. Even if Takemichi already addressed him softly, he still got startled. Izuku hesitantly looked at the serious-looking Takemichi, smiling nervously.


Takemichi sighed softly before taking Izuku's hands into his, smiling softly. "There is only us here for now, is there something you want to tell me?" Takemichi caressed Izuku's hands softly when he felt the latter stiffen.

Izuku pursed his lips, smiling albeit strained. "I'm fi-"

"No, none of that fine" Takemichi looked into Izuku's eyes firmly "we both know that you're not"

Izuku was visibly nervous at the question Takemichi shot to him. Was he hiding it terribly? How? Before this, no one would notice it but why would Takemichi? Unbeknownst to him, most people in UA noticed it when he lied, letting him off when he lied to them with concerns in their eyes.

But here, stood Hanagaki Takemichi, who was worried and not taking his lie as the answer. Not letting him off until he felt better.

Izuku was scared. No, scratch that, he was terrified. He didn't know what he should say. He didn't know if he should tell Takemichi or not but the gentle look in Takemichi's eyes made him crumble. Izuku looked directly into Takemichi's eyes, his tears pouring out when he saw the image of bleeding Takemichi flashing once again.

"Micchan, y-you're hurt..." Izuku stuttered out, his lips wobbled cutely. His nose and freckled cheeks tinted pink. His hands were squeezing Takemichi's hands gently but tight. But not enough to hurt.

Returning the comforting squeeze, Takemichi tilted his head to the side, getting confused "I mean, yeah? I'm at hospi-"

"No! That's not what I mean," Izuku furiously wiped his tears with his sleeves even if the tears wouldn't stop, letting go of Takemichi's hands along the way. Giving up on wiping those tears, Izuku turned to look at Takemichi again with tears pouring profusely. His emerald orbs were shining. "You were shot,"

This time, Takemichi was the one who stiffened at the mention. How could Izuku know? No one should know about it. But how could Izuku know? Was this what Izuku dreamed about the other day?

"You were shot, you were shot by that guy" Izuku gripped his shirt where the bullet pierced through Takemichi. The grip was tight looking as if the shirt would be ripped any moment. "the white-haired guy seemed familiar but I didn't know him. And he shot you, thrice."

Takemichi's fists unconsciously tightened on top of his blanket. "H-how?" Burying his face into his hands, Takemichi shakily whispered to himself but Izuku had sharp ears.

Dread pooled in Izuku's stomach when Takemichi's tone was as if saying that it was true. As if all of that already happened. Remembering what Takemichi told him when he first arrived in this world, he released a shaky breath. It had happened, and Izuku was nowhere to be found to comfort Takemichi. Izuku felt nausea hitting him.

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