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Normal. If there was a word to describe the morning, that'd probably be it. The sun was shining; the birds were chirping, the Lee twins were fighting — a totally normal day.

Cheongsan and Soojin threw insults at each other repeatedly, only coming to a halt when the microwave dinged, signalling their breakfast was ready.

"I got dibs on the chicken wings!"

"I got dibs on the chicken legs!"

The twins fell back in their seats, silently digging into their meals, the reason behind their fight already forgotten. Soojin winced at the seasoning, raising her head only to see her brother looking at her.

Cheongsan hid a smile, shaking his head. "Don't say it, Jinnie. I know what you are thinking," he spoke, taking another bite of the chicken before stuffing twice as much rice into his mouth.

"You should be a little more interested in the business, Sannie," she teased, stifling her laugh at the male's blank expression. "After all, your name is on the sign, not mine."

The teasing was endless, along with the constant curses thrown back and forth. To an outsider, it would seem that the twins didn't have a good relationship with each other — but seeing the smiles on their faces that contradicted their words, it was evident.

Normal. This was all normal for the Lee twins. But normal is boring, no? Like all stories, the abnormal was about to come — bringing the twist to the normal everyone was accustomed to.

If only Cheongsan and Soojin knew how their lives were going to change when they left for school that normal morning.


So Junghwan grinned upon seeing his best friend, waving wildly in the middle of the cafeteria as he waited for her to catch up. Lee Soojin shook her head to herself, her best friend's boyish charm putting a smile on her face as they joined the line for lunch.

"We are having shrimp tempura today!" He exclaimed, bouncing on his toes as he looked ahead. "We also have cream buns for dessert." Junghwan chuckled, noting the way the female's eyes widened upon the hearing the second news.

"I'll give you my tempura if you give me your dessert!"

"Okay, deal! You better keep your word!"

The two best friends exchanged their foods as promised before sitting at their tables; one with the rowdy bunch of boys, while the other sat with the gossiping girls. 

Soojin raised her brow as she took her seat, noting the way Onjo seemed troubled.

"Sannie said you got bitten by Hyeonju? Are you okay?" She inquired, tapping on the table with the end of her spoon to get the brunette's attention. "Does it hurt a lot?"

Isak sighed, waving her chopsticks aggressively in front of her friend's face. "Yah!" The older yelled, eyes narrowed. "You are gonna burn a hole in Cheongsan's face at this rate!"

"I wasn't looking at him."

"Yeah, right. The entire school knows you two are going out."

Soojin felt the food get stuck in her throat, heaving a breath as the two friends continued talking, oblivious to the one choking on her food. 

"You slept with him, didn't you?" Soojin gasped, fighting between the urge to laugh, even though she was about to pass out. 

"I told Suhyeok I liked him." Those six words flipped the entire conversation around, making the female's heart drop — as well as her utensils.

"Wait, what?" Soojin asked, trying to maintain a blank expression on her face. "Did you get a reply from him?" She checked, biting on her bottom lip in anticipation.

"No, nothing yet. This is driving me nuts."

Soojin zoned out the conversation as the girls continued, unintentionally frowning as she looked at the other table, sighing when her eyes landed on her brother. 

Everyone knew about Cheongsan's crush on Onjo — except Onjo herself.

Junghwan's brows furrowed upon seeing the unreadable expression on his best friend's face, wondering what she was thinking about. What happened? He mouthed when the female looked at him, only getting a shrug in response. You sure? He checked again, nodding when she smiled at him.

If there was anything So Junghwan had learnt in the fifteen years of being the twins' best friend, it was that Lee Soojin absolutely sucked at controlling her emotions. 

She had mastered the art of lying, but anyone who knew Soojin could see the slight changes in her expressions whenever she did — and Junghwan was one of them.

The brunet noted the way she was shaking her knee under the table and the way her hands anxiously played with her utensils. He figured Isak's and Onjo's conversation was bothering her with the way she kept sighing, finally having enough as she stood from her seat.

"Talk to her already," Suhyeok spoke up, pulling the younger out of his thoughts. "You've been staring at her for a while and it's getting weird."

Junghwan scoffed, considering his friend's words. "How is it getting weird? I did nothing." He defended himself, not taking his eyes off the female.

"Yeah, you are doing nothing, but making your crush on Cheongsan's sister obvious."

"That's pretty rich coming from the guy whose knees go weak when our class president calls his name."

Suhyeok rolled his eyes, nudging Junghwan away from the table as he urged him to leave. "Pick a fight with me when you are my height, little moo-moo." He laughed, winking playfully. "Don't make me tell our best friend that you are in love with his sister."

Complying with the taller male for once, Junghwan grumbled under his breath as he left the table, scanning the cafeteria to find the very female he had a crush on. His gaze landed on Soojin almost instantly, quickening his steps towards her upon seeing the troubled expression on her face.

"Soojin!" He called out, his voice snapping the female out of her trance. "What happened?" He asked, brows furrowing as the younger teared up.

"It's nothing, really. I'm just being overly emotional," Soojin explained, seeing the concerned expression on the male's face. "It's just Cheongsan has a crush on Onjo, but Onjo has a crush on Suhyeok. And my idiot brother isn't doing anything about his feelings, so now Onjo confessed to Suhyeok," she blurted, frustrated with the situation.

Junghwan couldn't help but smile to himself. Look at you in tears because of a relationship that isn't even yours. He found the way Soojin's overly sensitive self adorable, always noting how she put everyone before herself — especially when the other person was someone she adored.

"Hey, don't worry. Suhyeok likes Namra, and he knows Cheongsan likes Onjo." He placed his arm around the younger as he patted her back. "Things will fall into place. Just give them some time. Onjo will see the heart-eyes your brother looks at her with soon enough," he assured, smiling widely to cheer the female.

Soojin mimicked the smile on her friend's face, opening her mouth to thank the male. Her words fizzled away upon seeing the crowd gathering outside their cafeteria, banging against the glass doors before shattering it and running inside. 

Junghwan instinctively grabbed onto the female's arms, trying to comprehend their surroundings.

"Hwan-ah, I know I'm at my last brain-cell, and my lack of sleep is enough to be hallucinating, but are those zombies?"

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