Chapter 1 My back story.

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Walking through the woods used to be a good thing. It used to be a place where I could just get away from all the stuck up bull shit at my house, but no it was lonely cold and scary, but I'm not weak in fact I can survive this. Hell, I have been for 3 months now on my own. After I witnessed my family get tore apart by those....freaks. No one knows what they actually called, but one things for sure they aren't people. Ha people haven't seen a group of survivors in weeks last group I ran into damn near killed me, but that doesn't matter what matters is I got out and I'm alive now surviving day by day. I climb trees for sleep. Hunt my food with a throwing knives. I prefer silent weapons none of that loud shit all that does is attract more biters.

It's getting colder though. If I had to guess id say it's September. I need to find some sort of shelter before I freeze to death.

The only clothes I have are my old flannels and skinny jeans. I have an old hoodie in my backpack but that's not ideal. When the snow comes it will just soak through and then I'll slowly freeze.

Maybe it's better off that way...dead. I mean I have no one anyone I have come across has tried to kill me. But I had to get through this I wasn't gonna kill myself there had to be a reason a reason I'm still alive, a reason I'm still here.

*branch breaking*

"What the hell?" I whisper to myself. I turn around knife hit ready for whatever lurks out here.

Just then a freak comes out of the shadows. "Come here, you wanna piece of me?" I try to get it to come closer. It works chomping it's rotted teeth loudly. "That's it little closer".

It finally got close enough to where I could easy kill it with my knife causing it to sink into its skull with a gross crackle noise.

"Fuck you" I looked down proudly at what I had done. It's a shame that it does. This world is turning me into a different person. I'm strong that's for sure.

Just then interrupting my thoughts . Heard more groans louder and they were coming closer. I turned to run silently in the other directions hoping they wouldn't notice me. There had to be at least 5. I ran and ran until I heard more coming from the direction I was running. I was cornered by biter they were coming from both directions.

This was it this is how I'm going to die....

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