Chapter 31. Don't play with fire

Start from the beginning

"I know, but we didn't actually had dates before, so I'd love to spoil my beautiful girl with it." I don't know how I deserved her such kind attitude towards myself, her sincere smiles and the love that she expresses in words and deeds, especially considering what I'm going to do. Or, to be more accurate, I was going to do, because the realization that I can't lie to her even if it's for good overshadows me at the very moment when our eyes meet and I see all the tenderness that she actually feels for me. I can't let us down like that or in any other way.

I hate to ruin this moment, but life has taught me that constantly looking for the best time for something leads nowhere, so taking a deep breath, I hardly manage to ignore El's last phrase and decide to talk to her about what happened today, still being afraid of her reaction.

"Promise you won't be mad," I speak in as calm a voice as possible, getting up from the desk and heading towards the door to close it and the blinds so as not to attract someone else's attention.

"Mad at what?" Elizabeth asks in a confused tone, furrowing her brows and getting up from the table as well.

"Just promise me," I pleadingly stare at my girlfriend, leaning my back on the door, being a bit afraid to approach her.

"I can't promise you until I know what's wrong." Seeing that marked change in her gaze from loving to worried is one of the things that really puts this nasty squeezing feeling in my chest, but right now I have no other choice.

"Y/n?" She addresses me again, noticing my hesitation before I take a couple of steps towards her, cautiously making eye contact. I'm not afraid that she will hurt me or something, it just seems to me that she is going through too many problems right now that can worsen her mental health.

"Cindy saw us kissing in your office and now she wants me to have dinner with her in exchange for her not telling anyone about it," I say in one breath, peering into El's face and taking her hands, which she pulls away after I finish my sentence.

Now her features take on a hostile look, and a dangerous spark of anger flashes in her eyes, which seems to radically change her mood in a split second.

"She asked you out after seeing you with me?" Her tone is deceptively calm, but her narrowed eyes and clenched jaw mixed with her brows furrowed in an kind of aggressive manner clearly don't bode well.

"Is that the only thing you just heard?" I ask not understanding why she doesn't care about the second part, watching her arms cross over her chest as she bites hard on her lower lip for a couple of seconds before coming right up to me.

"Don't answer my questions with other questions, Y/n," she tilts her head to the right, examining every inch of my face, taking my chin with her thumb and point finger as I already know she likes to do. "Did you give her any reasons to act like that, hmm?" She presses her lips together, lifting my chin so that I have no choice but to look straight into her sparkling with madness eyes.

"Did I ever make you-"

"Don't. Answer. My questions. With other questions," Elizabeth repeats through her clenched teeth, clearly annoyed not only with the situation, but now with me too.

"I didn't give her any reasons and moreover always found her annoying." She seems to believe my promising voice judging by subsiding anger in her eyes, but nevertheless she doesn't let go of my chin yet.

"Good. So she's blackmailing you?" Her annoyance isn't addressed to me now, but is still present in her intense darkened look.

"I think so. El, tell me what I should do," I ask in a quiet voice making my best to soften her mood at least a bit, but miserably fail watching previous fire return to her eyes.

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