Chapter 14. Two women, one me

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Y/n's POV:

After parking my car, I immediately go to the entrance of the club. To say that I'm nervous would be an understatement, because I haven't seen Taylor for a couple of months and now she suddenly calls me of all people to take her home.

I came here as quickly as possible, because I still care about her as a person. We had a lot of connections in the past and she did a lot of good things for me, so even though she's my ex now, I still can't leave her in such situation.

Getting inside, I ask the security guard where the bar is, assuming she's still there. Making my way past dozens of sweaty bodies dancing to almost deafening music, I begin to look through the eyes of the person I need.

And there she is. I expected that she wouldn't be in the best condition, but it turned out to be even worse. Now she looks like she's a 40-year-old loser, who was abandoned by his wife and forbidden to see his children, and therefore decided to go on a drinking binge for three months. I mean, she's still pretty of course, but her bewildered sad stare into nowhere and drooping posture give her such a look.

Yeah, I think I actually have a soft spot for older alcoholic blondes, who I can't build a normal relationship with, but what can I do about it? Whatever, probably the heart wants what the heart wants.

Collecting my thoughts, I go up to the woman and lightly tap her back so as not to scare her. I doubt she'll even understand who I am, given that she's still holding an unfinished cocktail in her hand, but after a few seconds, she looks up at me and her lips break into a drunken smile.

"Y/n? What are you d-doing here?" She asks slurring, as if she didn't call me half an hour ago herself.

"You asked me to take you away from here, so here I am. Let's go, I'll drive you home," I almost yell, but because of the loud music almost nothing is heard.

"We're going home?" she raises her eyebrows in surprise, staring at me with her senseless, drugged eyes.

"Yes. I hope you can at least walk to the car, yeah? Come on, get up and let's go." With a deep sigh she somehow gets up, staggering, and I take her to the parking lot, putting her hand on my shoulder so that she doesn't accidentally fall.

"My life is a total mess," I think, looking at the blacked out body in the back of my car as I drive down the familiar route to Taylor's house. I still can't fully understand my own thoughts and desires, and then one woman, who constantly makes me extremely confused with her behavior, falls on me out of nowhere, and a woman from my past, for whom I have ambiguous feelings, appears in my life again. I must have sinned really badly somewhere.

When I finally get to her house, I get out of the car to wake Taylor up and let her know that we've already arrived.

"Hey, drunk ass, wake up, we need to get you to your house," I say, shaking her by the shoulder and hear only a disgruntled growl in response, but she still opens her eyes, which reflect only confusion as she tries to get out of the car.

With toil and dread, I lead the stumbling woman to her room and lay her down on the comfortable bed, after helping her remove her coat and shoes. A small "thank you" said in a whisper is the last thing I hear before she falls into a deep sleep. I guess, I'm going to stay here for the night, because I don't want to find out the next morning that Tay felt sick and something happened to her, since there was no one to help. Guilt wouldn't let me sleep for the rest of my life, so a night here is the lowest price I can pay for a possible avoiding that.

With that thought in my mind, I sit comfortably in the large armchair opposite the bed and sink even deeper into the reasoning that has haunted me all the way here. Why is everything so complicated? Am I really this bad at understanding things in my own head, that I can't put everything in its place?

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