Chapter 20

690 20 21

POV: Ghostdrè

I walk with Ghostdbur and Tommy. Shuddlenly, a memory flashes in my head. 

*A male with sunglasses, with a big smile was on his face, smiled at me. He had a crown on his head. 

"Thank you, Dream! It feels good to be king again." He says, slightly hugging me.

"Oh, yeah. It's fine." I tell him, smiling. "Gegore was a bit upset."

"Don't worry, Dream. If he gets mad at you, it's his fault."

"Thanks, Eret."*

The flashback ends. Another flashback comes to mind. 

*A demon looking male was holding a tray of muffins. He had a hood on, and had black skin. He girns at me as he holds out a muffin.

"Dream! Look what I made for you!" He smiles at me as I take the muffin.

"Awwww! Thank you, Bad!" I take a bite of the muffin, it was delicious.*

When the flashback ends, I realize Tommy and Ghostbur where next to me.

"Ghostdrè! Are you ok?!" Tommy asks.

"Bad? Eret? Friends?" I ask. My head hurt for some reason. 

"Oh! You remembered! Come on, let's go see them!" Ghostbur smiles at me. "This good!"

"Uh, Ghostbur? Are you sure this is a good idea?" Tommy asks, worried.

Ghostbur takes my hand. I look at Tommy. I nodded at him, excited. I want to meet these people! It's good that I remembered someone, so that means they must be good people, right? And besides, that was a good memory. 

"Wait....." I wisper. Tommy and Ghostbur look at me, confused.

"Who's Gegore?"



Anyway, Happy mothers day! Celebrate your moms/grandmoms. 

Goodbye, amazing people! (;

Memes of the chapter:

Memes of the chapter:

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"Who are you?"  (Dream angst)Where stories live. Discover now