Chapter 6

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POV: 3rd person 

"Prison?" Ghostdre slowly repeats.

"Yes," Philza nods.

It was silent for a while. Ghostdre had a small pout on his face and he looked at Phi. He still wanted to go home. He didn't really know why, but a part of him desperately wanted to go back to his home. 

"So what if it's a prison? I still want to go home!" Ghostdre speaks.

"......" Everyone looks at each other, a frown on their faces. 

"...Alright. We'll bring you to you.....'home'....but, not today, okay?" Techno hesitates before speaking.

"Really?!?!" Dream asks, excited. "I can go back home!? When!?" 



"Hey, ghostdrè, why don't you go upstairs, we need to talk," 

He nodded before skipping up the stairs in excitement. They waited until he was out of earshot. 

"We're not really gonna bring him back, are we?" Ghostbur asks. "Since he's a ghost we have no reason, right?"

"Right," Philza nods. 

They stand in silence for a while, not knowing what to say. That was, until Philza awkwardly left the two alone and went outside. 

"Techno?" Ghostbur asks.

"What," Techno answered.

"What do you think about Ghostdrè in prison?"

"He shouldn't of been in there.......Ghostbur, listen,"


"Who are you?"  (Dream angst)Where stories live. Discover now