Chapter 57 (Bonus Chapter)

Start from the beginning

Everyone calls Carter CJ because of his middle name. Carter James. He's 8 and not too far off Zayden. They get along like me and Mason. They fight and get annoyed at times but in the end their brothers. Zayden gets annoyed with Carter because he's more like Amara, would rather read for fun instead of wrestle around for hours at a time.

Maddox sets his nerf gun down and walks over to the kitchen counter, jumping up to look at the plates. Carter tells Amara about the chapters he read, fumbling with the pages as he tries to open the book and show her. Amara smiles down at Carter, a proud look on her face as Carter tells her what he read. Carter is such a mama's boy. "That's amazing CJ, I can't believe how well you've been reading lately!" Amara exclaims with proud twinkling eyes. Carter grins and sets his book on the counter before resting his head on her hip, looking up at her "What are we having Mom?"

She smiles so brightly down at our second oldest boy. Carter looks just like my wife. Bright emerald eyes and soft brown hair. "Yeah, what're we having?" Zayden cuts in, jumping up onto a stool.

But Zayden looks more like me, black hair and gray eyes. A splitting image pretty much.

"We're having pork chops with green beans and some noodles, sound good to you boys?" Amara answers, reaching one hand and giving Carter a quick hug. Carter nods his head.

A soft sound of feet touching the wood flooring makes me look towards the entrance to the kitchen. Our youngest daughter stands there, her brown hair in a ponytail. A cute little black and white dress on her. It's a soft silky material that shines and fans out when she spins around. A smile spreads along my face as she walks over to me "Hey babygirl," I greet and she smiles at me "Hey Daddy,"

She's a little shy. Much quieter than all our other kids. Blake Finnley. She looks just like her Mom. And I have a feeling she's going to grow up to have the same type of attitude as my lovely wife. Blake's 7 years old. She's in between crazy and quiet. She can get a little loud and excited but only around family, but most of the time she's pretty mellow.

   Amara smiles and my hand falls away from Taelynn's back. I walk over to her, sliding my arms around her waist and kissing her neck softly. "Ewwww!" Maddox yells, fake gagging. Amara shakes with laughter in my arms, a smile on her face as I kiss my way up her neck to her cheek, along the curve of her jaw and then behind her ear. Right where my name is.

   Taelynn whacks Maddox's arm, giving him a glare "Someday you're gonna be doing that." She states, giving him a know-it-all look.

    Our kids are growing too fast. Is there a pause button somewhere I can hit?

   Amara presses back into me, my hands tightening their grip on her waist as my chin comes to rest on her shoulder softly. "I love you," Amara leans back and whispers to me, kissing my cheek softly. My heart stutters before picking up its pace like I just ran a marathon.

   My amor still has that affect on me. I love her so much it hurts to be away from her for too long. Not sleeping in the same bed as her at night is absolute torture.

   You can say I'm whipped all you want. But I'd rather be whipped for my Amara than alone.

   "Come grab your plates guys and go pick a spot at the table," she states, handing plates full of steaming fresh cooked food to each kid as they line up. Taelynn smiles at Amara "Thanks Mom," Amara nods her head at Taelynn, a proud look in her beautiful eyes as each of our kids come up and take a plate from her.

Roxy and Rogue stand at attention, their ears perked for any sound of food falling from the kids plates and onto the floor.

When nothing falls they walk over to the table, flopping down on the wood flooring and let out heavy sighs, letting their eyes close as they listen to the kids.

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