Chapter 36

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🆃🅷🅴 yells of Aries brought everyone to move. The point of Katniss's arrow disappears into the side of Brutus's right temple, and in an instant, it takes to reload, Johanna has buried an axe blade in Cashmere's chest.

Finnick knocks away a spear Brutus throws at Peeta and takes Enobaria's knife in his thigh. Mags quickly drag Beetee from the bloodbath knowing they weren't fit. Brutus got away from Aries's hold knowing he couldn't fight the male off by himself, with her partner Enobaria, they sprinted down a sand strip towards the jungle.

Everyone looked at each other, "StELLA!"

Another booming yell from Aries shocked everyone, understanding how Estella wasn't around. Everyone swiftly to their feet and searched for her before a feral Aries picked them as his next kill, that was until a dead body dropped from above the Cornucopia.

Johanna was the first to head to the body and turn it around, afraid it might be her friend but only to be met with another career, Gloss's The sound of metal hitting metal caught everyone's attention, looked up to see an exhausted Estella plopping on the cornucopia with a frown, "... Career's... are... fucking annoying." She took a breath at each break.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The cannon confirms there's no way to help Wiress, no need to finish off Gloss or Cashmere. Suddenly the ground jerked beneath everyone's feet and flung everyone aggressively. The circle of land that holds the Cornucopia starts spinning fast, really speedy, and you can see the jungle going by in a blur.

Aries feel the centrifugal force pulling him toward the water making him dig his hands and feet into the ground, trying to get some purchase on the unstable ground. Looking up once more at Estella, anxious though glad that she had plunged her dagger into the cornucopia to hold herself from being thrown.

Between the flying droplets of seawater and the dizziness, everyone has to squeeze their eyes shut. There is literally nothing they can do but hold on until, with no deceleration, they slam to a stop.

Coughing and queasy, Katniss sits up slowly to find her companions in the same condition. Finnick, Johanna, and Peeta have hung on. Aries seem effortlessly with his grip but his eyes were clearly getting worried.

The three dead bodies have been tossed out into the seawater. "Where's Volts, Mags?" says Johanna. They're on our feet. One wobbly circle of the Cornucopia confirms Mags and Beetee are gone. Finnick spots him about twenty yards out in the water, barely keeping afloat, and with Mags beside him, her age wasn't giving her the needed energy to swim with the pace of the water.

"FUCK!" Finnick screams before jumping into the water to save them, Aries curse under his breath. No matter how good of a swimmer Finnick might be, the water is picking its pace and there's no way he can keep up within and bring back Mags and Beetee.

"Aries! Go!" Estella called out for Aries's attention, ordering him to go help Finnick. As much as Aries wanted to, there was something bothering him if he were to leave the cornucopia. Looks back into the water to see Mags struggling and slowly giving it, "Fuck you Heavensbee!"

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