Once Upon A Dream...

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Delie, a fourteen year old teen, had not much on her mind but studies. A tenth-grader cannot be blamed for doing so. Very recently had she been dragged out to exercise and play after breaking her record of the "Most Efficient Studying Hours", when she had read about fourteen pages within half an hour.

She had five siblings, namely Leontes, Jeanne, Marie, Perdita and Fleance. Leontes and Jeanne were twin boys and the youngest. Fleance, a boy, and Perdita, a girl, had been born as triplets, and the third triplet in their group was Delie - the three of them were the eldest. Finally, Marie, a girl was there, who had been born as a single, middle child, and was thus also more independent than the others in comparison who depended on the other twin or triplet. 

Delie had been having a lot of nightmares recently, for which the reason had been unknown. Last night, she had seen a wonderful dream, one that changed her views on the world and its people completely. The world no longer was, this morning, the same - filled with the horrors of mankind and its idle, evil mind, as she had thought it to be during the days that she had had nightmares - but was filled with endless and possibilities and hopes since this morning, or otherwise said, since the two hours that she had been awake. 

"Perdita!" she cried to her sister aloud. "Perry! Hello, anyone hearing me?"

No response.

She decided to try a different method. "¡Hermana Perdita, por favor ven aquí!" ("Sister Perdita, please come here!")

It worked. Instantly, Perdita replied, "¿Sí, trillizo?" ("Yes, triplet?")

"Perdita, please, I know you're listening! I really want to talk to you, so please come! There's no use talking in Spanish! You know how tough it is for me to speak with your fluency of the language," protested Delie.

"What is it, Del?"

"I... have to tell you a... dream," she finished rather awkwardly. It sounded so weird to call a person during working hours only to narrate a mere dream - yet it was more important than words could at the time express.

Perdita's footsteps came slowly up the steps of the ancient staircase of their centuries old, although quite renovated, house. "A dream? What's so special about it that you must tell it now?"

"Perry, I know it sounds strange, but please listen to me. I had a dream last night that was, for the first time this month, not a nightmare. Surprise one. Surprise two is, that the dream was about a thing I have never given a thought to before - the sky and space. And finally, surprise three - I have decided to, with your help, make the dream come true."

By now, Perdita's attention was grasped. The fact that her triplet sister just had a dream out of the blue, about something that she never knew or thought of - and most unusually, that it was not to do with studies, and that she wanted to make it come true, were things too many for Perdita's equal brain to grasp at once.

"Pray tell me in further detail, Hermana (sister)?"

Delie began telling her all she had seen in her rather realistic and vivid remembrance of the dream, and Perdita, convinced that it was a good initiative and idea, put forward her will to help Delie whenever she worked; provided neither their studies nor play suffered their time, and that it would be kept a secret till they had worked enough to prove it to the others in the family, and the world, that Delie's dream, after all, wasn't so useless as it seemed.


(A/N: Hello Readers! I hope you were intrigued by this chapter (because the next part is going to reveal Delie's dream!), and maybe some of you even are like her. Anyways, put on your seatbelts and get ready for the wildest flight you've ever been on!

Good luck to survive!

~ /\lice|=urra\/\/e.)

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