Mutum est pictura poema

Start from the beginning

Rosalind shrugs. "I heard her talking to her friends about it the other day. Apparently, Black has already been caught in a broom closet three times, and we're hardly a week into the school term!"

Morrigan laughs upon hearing this, but Vivian is far less amused. Sirius is notorious for his dealings with the opposite sex. At worse, he's a disgusting sex-crazed maniac with a tendency for flaunting his latest deeds to the entire school for attention; at best, he's a lady's man with a serious aptitude for making girls crazy whenever he flashes them his signature crooked smile, which is administered often and with much zeal. Vivian prefers to think of him in terms of the former, but she sometimes thinks that she's the only one in the school who does. Even many of her fellow Slytherins are mad for him despite the vendetta he's got against them.

Everyone seems to want a piece of Sirius Black. Vivian honestly doesn't understand it. Sure, he's handsome – strikingly so, with his dusky grey eyes and perfectly mussed hair. His body is a work of art, all chiseled and angled as if reflecting the qualities of Grecian sculpture at its finest. When he smiles, his eyes crinkle with a glimmer of mischief that has the ability to make even the most headstrong female lose herself. In terms of physical beauty, Sirius Black has it all.

It is everything else about him that Vivian finds so deplorable. He might be handsome, but his beauty doesn't make up for his many flaws. His pranks go too far, sometimes. He has a misplaced sense of Gryffindor pride that makes him think that he's better than everyone else in the castle. His arrogance knows no bounds, and he jumps to conclusions too quickly, relying only on instinct and emotion to guide his way. He is nothing but an ego-driven, pompous idiot who uses his pitiable family circumstances for attention.

"Disgusting," Vivian sneers, much to her friends' amusement.

Morrigan and Rosalind share a glance and start laughing, but Vivian merely pushes past them, quite done with this discussion.

"She totally thinks he's fit," Rosalind says as they watch her leave.

Morrigan smirks. "Everyone does. I don't think there's a woman alive who's immune to him."

They share another glance and laugh again.


Defense Against the Dark Arts that afternoon is...surprising. Vivian walks into class exuding a confidence that is entirely made up of being back in her regular uniform, without any red or gold on her person whatsoever. However, when she learns what they'll be focusing on over the next few weeks, her confidence takes a plummet.

"The Patronus is a very powerful charm," Professor Anderson says as he steps over to the blackboard. A well dispersed sea of students from all four houses sit, enraptured, at the prospect of learning about this spell. It is famously difficult to cast and requires immense concentration.

"With enough effort, you will all hopefully produce a corporeal Patronus by the end of the term. I don't expect you'll be able to do it immediately, which is why we'll be taking an extended amount of time to cover this spell. In addition to working on practical application, we'll also be studying the types of dark creatures that you can use the Patronus charm to defend against. This is a rather complicated spell with many uses."

Professor Anderson takes a piece of chalk, turns to the class, and announces, "Take out some parchment, please. The Patronus charm first comes through as a very bright light. The pure nature of the spell protects the wielder against most dark creatures, but the common use of the spell is to ward against dementors. We'll be going into more detail on dementors, specifically, next week. For now, I'd like to focus on the corporeal form that a Patronus might take on."

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