"That's nice."

"That's horrible." Ollie and I said together.

"I'm Thea. This is John Diggle and my brother," Thea said.

"Oliver queen," Kendra added.


"Wow, first I meet the flash and now the green arrow, do you have any other surprises for me?"

"Please, no more surprises."

"Barry said that you need our help; somebody very dangerous is after you," Ollie said.

"Yeah, and I have no idea why."

"What does this guy even look like?" Thea asked.

"Hold on," Barry said and grabbed a notebook. "Okay, this is him," Barry said as he held a drawing.

"Yes, that's something I would never think of," John said.

Felicity took the notebook, "Let's see if facial recognition can find a match,"

"That's him," Kendra said.

"That's not possible; that photo is from 1975,"

"Which would make him about 80 years old right now," Barry announced.

"Okay, what else can you tell us?" Ollie asked.

"He said we've known each other for ages, but I've never met the man before,"

"Well, there has to be some kind of connection," I said from my seat.

"Not one I can think of.
I just moved to Central City six months ago."

"Why did you move there?" Ollie asked.

"I just felt drawn to the city, I guess,"

"Kendra, there is a reason this guy is after you, think." Ollie continued.

"Look, man, we just came here to hide out for a bit until we figure things out, so you can just take it down," Cisco said.

"You came here because you need our help. This is what my help looks like,"

"Oliver, I just saved you guys from whatever the hell flock of seagulls was about to do. The least you can do is..."

"Barry, not all of us have superpowers.
You brought Kendra into our world without knowing who she is or what this dude is after her looking for.
You made us all unsafe.
So maybe you ask the questions." Ollie exploded.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, we're all friends here, right?
Why don't we go to our place and have some drinks,  and we can TALK."

"Cool," Barry said.

"I am not changing my name again; I like speedy," Thea said.

"Are you familiar with my body of work? If you are, then you would know I could come up with something so much better than speedy,"

"Why don't you get a haircut, then we can talk about it?" Thea replied.

"I think you're mad because my conditioner game is on point," Cisco said, and I poured myself another cup of Limoncello.

"Are you sure you need to drink this much?" Ollie asked.

"I require that,"

"How was Russia?" He asked.

"I found mine and Natalia's old letters and her ring," I said as I held it up.

"Don't tell you're proposing to Oliver?" Barry asked, and I left them to talk.

"I would like to propose a toast.
I wish it wasn't just the dark times bringing us together." Ollie started.

"But it is friends like you that make those dark times worth having," Barry said.

"What a guy, steals my drink steals my words, as I was saying,  it's good to see everyone.

"Cheers," Thea smiled.

"Cheers," we all said.

Through the window,
Through the bloody window.
What idiot jumps into someone's house through the window?

"I will always find you Shiera," he said darkly.

Barry got Oliver his bow and arrows and I took out the knife of Shiera, don't judge it has a nice balance.

"Don't move," Ollie ordered.

"Then how will I kill you all?"

He threw bloody daggers at us, Barry caught them all and fell to the ground, but still, rude.

Ollie and the bitch started fighting, and soon enough ollie was on the ground,  "boys, never let them do the job." I sighed as it was my turn to fight him, "you are a fine fighter, a black widow I assume." He said and I froze.

Ollie continued shooting arrows at him and soon Thea joined.

They hit him three times which made him fall from the balcony.

I sat there, quiet as they all talked
And suddenly the league of assassins showed up, fuck.

"The man you're looking for is Vandel savage," Malcolm said.

"Vandel savage? Never heard of him,"

"Who is he?" Barry asked.

"Some say  He was the most trusted adviser to Genghis Khan others said he guided Julius Caesar through the Gallic Wars.
But the one thing the league knows for sure... he was there for all of it."

"So what are you saying?
He's like a vampire or something?" Cisco asked

"Not a vampire, an immortal," Malcolm said.
God, I hate the league.

"Okay, we've officially stepped into crazy town.
Immortality?" Kendra asked.

"Wait. No, no, no, this makes sense.
This explains why he was he looks the same as he did in 1975." Thea said

"This can't be possible," Kendra added

"There is nothing you can do to save her now," Malcolm said.

"Kendra, do not listen to him," Barry said softly

"I... I just need some air." She left.

"Hey! We're gonna do whatever we have to to keep Kendra safe, whether you think we can or not."

"But will you?
I mean you don't even know her name," Malcolm said as he pointed at me.  "What is this time?
Is it Laura Matthers? Mary Farrell? Olivia shostakova?"

"It's Anastasia Volkov..." I said quietly.

"That's right, another fake?"

"No sir..."

"Good, at least a bit of honesty," Everybody's eyes were on me now.

I couldn't move I couldn't do anything everything moved so fast...and I didn't.
Someone pulled me out of my trance.

"Anastasia, we're going to Central City, it's time to go,"

the flash and the black widow: WEAPON Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz