FLUFF | One Piece | Jewelry Bonney| Sweet like Icing

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"I'm in the middle of something. So you have to wait"

Focused on the recipe on your phone as the phone screen wants to keep attempting to die while your trying to read. Not aware that Bonney was standing behind you with a annoyed expression.

Bonney flopped herself up on top of the counter while you stepped back and took a bowl of icing out of the refrigerator.

"Icings ready..cup cakes should be done in about ten minutes..what else.."

Bonney's face twisted into and annoyed expression as she kept swinging her legs hoping to hit you to get your attention. Knowing full well of what she wants. You still going to make her wait.

With the bowl of icing next to Bonney you didn't think much of she would eat any of it..without the cupcakes. So. Along side keeping and I eye on the icing while looking of the sprinkles. Bonney took the moment to put a plan she came up with into motion.

Lifting the spoon up out of the bowl. The pink haired girl casually dropped some on her bare leg awaiting for you to stand back up.

Standing up after looking through some pans for Bonney's breakfast you were going to start making while waiting for the cupcakes. You were greeted by Bonney smirking as she tossed her leg up onto your shoulder.

"And what purpose do  you have doing this..naughty girl"

Going along with whatever Bonney has going through her mind. You casually liked the icing off her leg while moving closer to her.

"And I was hoping you could wait just a little longer" you mumbled in her ear as you could hear her quietly questioned what you mean.

"I wasn't exactly making these cupcakes this early in the morning for the hell of it"

"Your lying" Bonney spoked

"No..happy birthday my love"

A huge smiled appeared on her lips as she pulled you into a tight hug. While being nearly suffocated in her chest you slowly hug her back before she letted go.

"Fine then! That means I can order as many pizzas as I want today!"

"Already on the way. Called them while you were still sleeping"

Bonney hoped off the counter with a huge smile on her face. Still in her pajamas. She turned to face you while blushing a bit.

"I know I don't say this a lot..but..Your the best"

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