One Piece | NEW YEARS SPECIAL | Mihawk | Wines Better

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It wasn't unusually for Rodger and his family to host a New Years party, although when  shanks excitedly announced the news that Mihawk was coming over. You had no reason not to has this was going to be amusing.

With the night still young with three hours to go until officially the new year. Mihawk stood in the corner of the kitchen while you stood in front of the sink washing your hands.

"Shanks and Buggy are in the living room if you want to catch up with them"

"I prefer my current spot thank you" Mihawk spoke before taking a sip of his wine as his cold gaze focused on you as you turn to face him pulling the half filled glass of wine that sat on the counter closer to you.

"It's still shocking..that you came to this party"

"And what about you.."

Your eyes trailed away from Mihawk gaze until they landed onto your glass of wine as you quietly sighed and looked up.

"Well..Shanks dragged me"

With the atmosphere growing awkward. The commotion that was going on in the living grab both of you twos attentions as Shanks was yelling something as he stood on the sofa while Buggy looked like he was completely done as he was sprawled out on the same sofa shanks stood on but only scrunched up on a corner of it.

"Let's celebrate!..Uhm..on the * hiccup * of Mihawk..* hiccup"

"What is that Buffon babbling on about now" Mihawk mumbled as he walked over to the doorway and stood behind Zoro and Luffy as they looked confused on what was going on.

You walked up and stood on the other side of Mihawk with your glass of wine in hand as you propped your head up on your other hand looking closing at Shanks as he stumbled around.


"I don't like where he's going with this..Luffy..get your uncle of the sofa..before he hurts himself"

You patted the boy on the head as he looked at you with a devious smile as he made his way over to the sofa on the side Buggy was passed out drunk at. Before anyone could even do anything. Luffy chucked a pillow at Shanks knocking him right off the sofa onto the floor.


"Welp" you muttered before leaving the room as things were quickly escalating. Mihawk followed right behind as he wanted nothing to do with the red haired idiot that was currently cuddled the pillow Luffy thrown at him.

"Ahh. Found you (y/n)..oh and you two Mihawk.."

"Uhm..Rayleigh..something you need?"

The old man stood in the doorway holding up a bottle of Champagne as he walked offer closer to the kitchen counter.

"Care to join me for a drink"

"Depends..did shanks have any..because if so..I don't want any" you spoked as you meant by the current state the man is in still on the does seem Luffy and Ace has joined him..poking and laughing at the man as he seems to have passed out.

"Well..shanks did drink a few bottles alone ..mumbling on about how he was going to get you two together..however the way I see two did that all on your own"

"Hate to break it to you..but..we're just standing here..drinking our wine..and talking like normal adults"

"Keep telling yourself that..we'll..I guess I could ask Crocodile..or even Dragon..wherever he's hiding at" Raeligh mumbled as he walked out of the room leaving you and Mihawk alone.

"Shanks really is and idiot" Mihawk spoked

"No argument here"

"If he new me that well..I could tell you myself when I feel like it" Mihawk muttered the last part as he finished his glass and slowly placed down on the table.

"What was that..I didn't catch last.."

Mihawk stood closer to you than he has ever had since you've known him. His eyes peered down at you as you awkwardly looked back up at him.

"After all of about..we have dinner my place"

A smile creeped up onto your flushed face as you nodded your head before you spoked

"I..would love that Mihawk"

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