One Piece | Sanji | Heat

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Sitting on the bed with barely anything on. Sanji eyes we're glued to you as he stood in the doorway.

Moments ago you woke up from having a bad fever. Stumbling off the bed with only half opened eyes you fell against the wall and just stood there until your vision was better. Glancing around the room for your clothes as you have only just now notice that a bikini top and bottoms wasn't what you had on last. Though with only a faint idea of what had happen to you. Who knew what happen. Besides the crew.

Yet. Creaking open the door of the doctors room and peeking your head out. No one was in the ship. However the heat was just as bad outside as it was inside. It seemed to be docked at a lavished island as a warm breeze blew by. Shrugging your shoulders you stumbled back to the girls room to grab some clothes to change into.

Assuming that your the only one left on the ship. You kept the girls rooms door open. Hoping a breeze would come by and ventilate the stuffy room that smelled like perfume and sun tan lotion. As well as to assist you on not having a heat stoke due to the astounding humidity.

Looking through the bags of clothes that had a piece of paper tape to it with your name on it that Nami got from shopping on the last island. You pulled a pair of short light blue shorts out and shrugged your shoulders as you yanked the tag off and putted them on.Looking at in the direction of the tall mirror . It only made you feel like your copying Nami's style more than being yourself. You could only sigh as you suddenly fell back onto the mattress breathing heavily.

The humidity was defiantly getting to you. However you don't think you have the energy to get up and get some water. Sitting there pondering. Your eyes got heavy as you slowly leaned back onto the mattress. Though before your head could touch the pillow the voices of some of your crew mates could be heard. One of them manly was luffy yelling about food. Then a loud thud followed after that. Must be either Sanji or Nami.

Smiling a bit. You closed your eyes. But shortly shot open as you could hear Chopper panicking. Yet. For some reason you could only giggle as it made you feel better that chopper was so worried about you.

Closing your eyes once again. loud foot steps were coming closer and closer to the room you were in. So, peeking open one eye with what little energy you had left. To your surprise it was Sanji standing before you out of breath.

Standing up straight. He gave you that half - smile before he notice something was off. His eyes went down to your figure as sweat was rolling of your soft skin while your breathing was off. Attempting to force as mile on and tell him your fine and that you just want to take a nap. His arms were already around you. Picked up like a bride on her wedding day. Sanji's expression changed to a concern look as he placed the back of his hand on your forehead.

"Your still sick. Why aren't you resting?!"

"I was trying to" motion your hand towards the bed behind you. Which caught Sanji of guard as he chuckled before smiling his usual smile.

"I mean in choppers office. He's worrying about you. Than again. We were all worried when you suddenly collapsed"

"Sorry for worrying you guys" trying to avoid eye contact with him as now all the guilt was coming too you as you now remembered that day.

"Chopper is going to want to see your getting better. Just..don't worry us like that again..chopper was crying his eyes was brook which was weird"

"Don't tell me that! Im going to feel like and even worser person.. making chopper cry"

"I was worried too..though every time I tried to check up on you Nami and chopper would just yell at me"

"I wonder why" you mumbled sarcastically as Sanji caught on to what you meant and laughed

"Anyway..just get better..for me"

"(Y/n)!!!..Why are you out of bed!?" Chopper came running from out of no where with Robin following behind him with a smile on her face

"Now what do we have here" Robin spoked as Chopper only hoped into your lap and checked your temperature

"Your burning up! You need to be in bed NOW"

"See you already have told her your feelings Sanji" Robin winked in your direction before heading down to were the others were at. "Good luck (y/n)

"Robin..what did she mean Sanji? like me or something"

"Oh has Sanji already told her. Man which I could seen the look on her face" Franky could be heard saying from the deck with Brook and Zoro standing beside him.

"Sanji..Speak" you spoke as you weren't going to take your eyes off his face until he answered you.

"I do like you..i mean..i love you but i don't expect you to feel the same about me"

"Sanji shut up and take her to my office and put her in bed. She needs rest"

"Sanji hurry up. Im hungry!" Luffy yelled which irritated the cook as he sped walked to choppers office and locked the door behind him before placing you onto the bed.

"Sanji..I know you loved me..I feel the same towards you..but just so you know..Zoro is the one to tell me..dont ask me how he picked up on it"

Snapping his head up. His face flushed red as he tried to hide it be cursing under his breath at zoro for being a stupid moss head. You laid down as you watched how cute sanji being flustered was.

"I'll stay until you fall asleep. They can wait" sanji suddenly spoked

Smiling. You mumbled fine before closing your eyes. As sleep was about to consume you. You felt a light touch on your forehead and than the door unlocking and closing. Which caused you to smile more before falling asleep.

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