Chapter 83: Nightmare

Start from the beginning

"Serena!" He tried to get free to get to me, but he was held down. It didn't help that he was wounded that was making him weaker.

I wanted to run to him, but I was being held down as well and I couldn't move. My eyes stayed on Daryl as he did the same.

"Let her go," Daryl ordered Negan to do.

Negan's head snapped towards Daryl, I'm sure he was smiling at him, "She's not going anywhere not until this is over."

"Stop this, please," I practically begged, I needed to get us both out of here and alive, "I'll be your wife, please stop!"

Negan had the look of surprise on his face, looking back at me, "Glad you've come around, darling, however I'm not done. I'm going to have a little more fun and then we can go back to the sanctuary together and get married."

"It's done!" I tried, "I said I'll marry you!"

"It's not done," Negan said again.

"What more can you do?" I wish I didn't ask that.

"Starting with this," I watched Negan grab a knife from out of his belt. With full force, Negan jabbed the knife right into my pregnant belly just to rip it back out.

I screamed out in excruciating pain, my hands covering my wound with blood spilling out to cover my hands, practically hunching over.

"No!" Daryl was trying to get to me, fighting as much as he could, but there was no use.

I was gasping, it hurt so bad, he killed my baby; Daryl and my baby.

"I'm not going to let that little Dixon be born," Negan explained to me, "if your my wife, you have my babies!"

"Stop! Kill me if you have to!" Daryl angrily spat at the man.

"No!" I shouted, my eyes going back to him.

"That's the plan!" Negan didn't pick up his bat, but looked to Simon, "bring them out!"

Two of his men pushed two walkers into view.

They weren't any random walkers that they just happened to find. These walkers were Dad and Carl.

This kept getting worse and worse. I let out a sob at the sight of them. Their eyes were cold and they were reaching out and groaning for food.

"Dad? Carl?" They turned! Negan killled them too!

"Bring them here!" Negan said.

"Put them out of their misery please!" I begged.

"They got to eat first, darling!" Negan smiled at me, "don't let them go, just let them have a nibble."

They walked them over to Daryl. The two men who were holding Daryl moved out of the way so the two familiar walkers could be  leaned down.

Daryl had fear in his eyes as his now dead family was lowered to take a chuck out of shoulders, crying out in pain.

"No! Please!" One bloody hand gripped the cold ground below me. I could barely see with the tears blocking my vision.

"Okay, enough!" Negan ordered, "move them back." He waved his hands.

The two men backed up dad and Carl as they continued to grab for more, blood dripping down their chin.

Daryl is going to turn right in front of me. He has two big chucks taken out of his shoulders, blood running down his arms.

"Let them bite me, kill me please," I begged to Negan. End this torture for me.

"No," Negan plainly said.

"Why?" I cried out.

"Because I rather do this," Negan stood to his feet, gripping his bat. He raised his arms and got into position to smack Daryl right in the head.

From the impact, Daryl fell forward onto the floor.


"Yes," Negan smiled at me.

Struggling, Daryl was able to lift himself up slightly, looking at me, "it's okay, you'll be okay, I love you."

"I'll love her better than you ever did," Negan said right as he took another strong swing to crack Daryl's skull.

Daryl fell back on the floor, unable to get up. Negan placed a foot on his back, swinging the bat over and over and over onto Daryl's skull having his brain splatter all over the ground.

I felt myself starting to gag from the sight.
I couldn't move and I was just sobbing. Daryl was gone, this monster brutally murdered my husband right in front of me.

Negan walked up to me holding out Lucille with Daryl's blood dripping from the bat. I could barely look at it. All I could see was my dead husband on the ground.

"Kill me!" I sobbed out, I don't even know if I spoke clearly enough for him to understand what I just said.

"No, i'm getting you fixed up and we're getting married." Negan looked toward his men, "get her in the back of the van."

I couldn't even fight. I was gone, I was barely there. I was broken as I was dragged into the back of the van with the door closing.

My mind couldn't take it anymore, having me come back to reality. My upper half shot up from the brick of a bed. I felt like I couldn't breathe as I was panting for air. My eyes came into view of the room I was in.

That was just a dream or I should say a nightmare. A cruel nightmare.

I was in this prison of a sanctuary and my family was alive except for Glenn and Abraham, but what I just had to go through was just a dream.

I needed to throw up.

I ripped the covers off of me and I swung my legs over to the side of the bed to run for the small sink. Leaning forward getting my hair on the way as the contents of chicken that Negan had sent to me to eat, came right back up.
My free hand gripping one edge of the sink. I could barely tell if it was from 'morning sickness' or being sick over the dream that I just had. Possibly both I don't know.

The dream didn't sit well with me at all. It was bothering me. Why did I dream that?

I grabbed a paper towel to wipe my mouth, while trying to be back in control with my breathing. I turned back around to glance at the bed, there was no way I could go back to sleep after that. I couldn't even go anywhere. I was locked in this room. I'll just have to sit here and wait.

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