ʟᴇᴍᴏɴᴀᴅᴇ & ᴄʀᴜɴᴄʜʏ ɪᴄᴇ

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Beads of sweat fell down my face, Hawks gentle wiped my face with a cool wet rag. "Thanks" He nods and looks back up to the sky. I readjusted myself on the blanket me and hawks were laying on, on the roof of our apartment building. We wanted to go to the beach but the risk of hawks spending more time with his fans then with me didn't sit well in my mind. 

"Ahh its so fucking hot" he fanned himself with his wing. The sweat glistened off his muscles, catching my eyes for a lot longer then it should have. "you like what you see?" he questioned as he put his arms under his head and laid back to enjoy the sun. "Ew no." I muttered, smile at the reaction.

"What do you mean ew?" he had a dramatic open mouth smile and furrowed his eyes brows. A few small laughs leaving him. "I'm joking chicken shit." I giggled, getting up and sitting on his thighs. He picked me up and sat me beside him, then pushed me away with his wing. "Woww" I mirrored the dramatic tone he had used. "I want a divorce" I huff, turning away to dangle my legs off the end of the building, the bare skin of on my legs burning from the metal which quickly made me stand up. "Well," he was suddenly behind me, "How bout you wait til after we are married to do that." He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist and gently kissed my neck. "You wouldn't be mad if I did that? Took half the money and everything else?" I hold my hands on his, interlocking our fingers. 

"I'd let you take all the money. Everything I have if it would make you happy." He spun me around to look at him. He leaned his forehead to touch mine, smiling at the welcoming contact. A silence hushed us both, melting into each other embrace. 

"You know what would be good right about now?" 

"And what is that dove?" 

"Cold lemonade..."I breathily mumbled due to exhaustion from the heat. He nodded, then said we should get inside for some rest from the heat, and reapply sunscreen. He picked up the blanket with his feathers and neatly folded it. "Wanna race?" a smirk sketched on his lips. I smile in response.  "But no wings." I look to his wings then back at him. "That's fine, but you can't use your quirk either then" 

I huff and nod in defeat. "But I hope you know I'm still fast without my quirk babe, don't underestimate me." I forewarned him, as we neared the door. "That goes you as well. I can do much more then you think."

We stepped inside the cool apartment building, quickly closing the door as we melt into the air. Seeing he was caught up in the feeling that rushed over his wings and cooled his hair that was wet with sweat. I quickly counted to 3 then rushed for the stairs. "Hey that's not fair!" He whined, catching up. I opened the door to the staircase and shut it quickly. 

I got down the first 2 flights of stairs when I heard his nearing. Only one more flight left.  I hopped the bar that separated me from my destination, opening the door to our floor. Now he was right behind me, both of us laughing and sprinting as fast as we can. We both zoomed down the hallway to our apartment, my hand slamming on the door a few seconds before him.

We let out breathy laughter as we tried to catch air. "You- you cheated" He giggled between breathes, letting out a long sigh. "Did not" I push the key into the key hole and the door slowly opens. 

The comforting cold air welcomed us once again, hawks went to get the lemons while I was sent to get the sugar and water. Next thing I know, he comes put with 2 garbage bags full of lemons. "Where the hell..." I drop the wood spoon and grab a bag, peering into it. "A little old lady yesterday gave them too me, said she had too many this season." He gentle put his bag on the floor.

People often give him gifts so this wasn't any out of the ordinary, just this many lemons? "How are we gonna use them all?" I look back at the pitcher I set out, and the few solo cups beside it. 

My eyes part from the cups and  back to my boyfriend, who looked to me as well. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I think I am." 

"Then hawks, we better get more cups and sugar."

25 minutes later me and hawks are outside our apartment complex. A 70 qt sized cooler sitting under the table with small pellets of ice in it. The table had a white and yellow cloth covering it. The design held a big lemon, with some small slices of yellow at the ends. 5 stacks of red solo cups placed onto of the table next to a pitcher full of lemonade. 

"Lemonade only 50 yen! Cold lemonade!" Hawks shouted, his wings pointing to the stand I was seated at, I tried by best to wave in people but hawks was much more popular with that. People started to flood in like moths to a bonfire.

Hawks would fan everyone with a wing while handing out the cups I would pour. Children toyed with his wings, teenagers and college students would fangirl, asking for autographs and pictures. To which he would always smile and pose, sending them off with a cold cup of lemonade and a wave. Elders would sit down on the bench and chat with him while he dished out the cups, giving them free refreshments when no one was looking. Listening to them chat about their grandchildren and their days when "I looked as nice as you, young man"

We had been opened for an hour already, we made it through a full bag of lemons, making 23200 yen already. Selling 464 cups of lemonade. Hawks had been keeping track by marking on a board right beside me under the table, using his feather to put a line for every cup we sold.

We closed for the time being to get more ice, we had to refill twice and needed more. We came back to the kitchen, filled up on sugar that we needed and brought more water jugs out. "God just for making lemonade this takes so much time" I groan, picking up 3g jugs of water. "Tell me about it." He places a kiss on my neck, instantly recharging my battery. One of his feathers picked up one of the jugs to make it easier on my hands which also held bags of sugar.

We made new servings of lemonade and opened shop again. I dished out as quickly as possible as people dropped their coins into the bucket held to the board with a delicate feather.

Time flew and now the sun was almost down, we finished off all the lemons leaving a gallon of lemonade left. I was exhausted, my eyes fought to stay open. I tried my hardest to keep myself awake, but once every other try they would shut and not open back up, causing me to slump, which snapped me back awake. I felt the race of his feathers at work, sending the left over ingredients to our apartment through the window we left open. I laid my face on the desk I was sitting at. The table cloth that I had my face on to feel a little too comfy. Then, the rush of sleep hit me. I knew I was tired but wow.

Sweet slumber welcomed me with open arms, right before it had me in its warm grasp, I felt a pair of arms, gently welcome me into their embrace instead. "Alright, let's get you home." He kissed my forehead and held me closer to him, his wings flapping, sending some leaves into the air around us. He flew onto the balcony, opening the door slowly and stepping in. 

The pull of sleep was so strong, and adding the song of hawks heart beating and his soft breaths. I was fast asleep before I could even protest. 

I woke up the next morning, feeling better then ever. I opened my eyes hoping for the sun to reach them, welcoming the morning. But all I saw was pitch black, was it still night? Then the grip on my waist got tighter with a soft mumble. 

Hawks had himself wrapped around my waist, my head in his chest. The darkness was just his wing. I pulled myself closer to him, taking in a long breath, and melted into the memory foam. Then I started to recall what happened the day before, the laughter we made with the school kids who dropped by to get a cup or two. The little old woman who would sneak a few mints into our bucket of yen. Speaking of, what happened to all the money we made. 

"Wait what happened to the yen we made.." I mumble to myself, not knowing I was speaking aloud. "it's in the kitchen" a groggy hawks spoke into the top of my head. "What are we gonna do with it?" He kisses my head and gentle pushes me closer to him with a wing. "Well dove I had an idea, maybe we could go buy some non perishables, then donate to the food bank. helping both the grocery out and the homeless people." He sucked in a deep breath as his wings straighten, stretching himself and his wings out. I nod stick my head back into his chest, " God I love you"

"I love you too, little puffin."


Hey dovies! Hows your day or night or whatever in-between going? Had any food or water today? Go get some please. Take care of yourself <3 1651 words. ~Chao

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