Chapter two

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Blank woke to the sound of someone knocking on his door loudly. He jumped and fell out of bed, thankfully he rolled so his hands stopped him from hitting the carpet face first. He pushed himself up and glanced at the door. He ran to it and unlocked it despite him knowing Anti was the one knocking. He opened the door to see Anti with crossed arms looking at him.

“We’re leaving in an hour. Make yourself look decent.” Was all that Anti said before walking off.
Blank felt a little confused on why Anti was just walking off but he didn’t question it further. He paused for a few seconds before leaving the room, closing the door with a small click behind him. He rubbed his eyes and let his legs take him towards the kitchen. Once in the room, he looked around before going behind the counter and grabbing something from the pantry.

“Good morning.”

Blank dropped the box of cereal as his form started shaking and seemed to be glitching. It felt like his body was struggling to stay here and be in different places at once. It felt like getting stung and being un able to move but your head could still move. It would go away in a few minutes. He looked to the source of the voice to see Dark in the kitchen with him. Thankfully, Blanks form was staying in the kitchen.

“C-Could have given me a warning before teleporting in here.” Blank said, his voice sounded like it was breaking.

“My apologies.” Dark responded.

Dark walked around the counter and put a hand on Blanks shoulder in an attempt to stabilise him. After a minute of waiting, Blanks form returned to normal. Blank sighed in relief and picked up the box of cereal as Dark removed his hand. Blank set the box on the table and smiled at Dark.

“Thanks.” He said.

Dark just gave a nod and motioned for Blank to move out of the way. Blank did and Dark grabbed a small box from the pantry before shutting its door and walking out of the room. Blank shrugged and grabbed the basic items he’d need to make cereal. He set the items down and made himself a bowl of frosted flakes. It wasn’t the healthiest breakfast but he didn’t want to have the kind of cereals Anti had. He picked the bowl up and sat at the table normally used for meals. He quickly ate while glancing at the clock on the wall that made a ticking sound every time the hands moved. He somewhat hated the sound but he didn’t want to smash the clock.

He finished the bowl and put it in the sink before running to his room. He opened the wardrobe door and dug through his clothes to find something that looked ‘decent’. The hoodies were decent but he didn’t think Anti or Dark would want to be near the guy in the hoodie. He grabbed a Dark blue shirt off the rack and chucked it onto his bed, followed by some jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Blank shut the door and rushed over to the clothes. He quickly removed the clothes he was currently wearing and pulled on the new ones. He walked over to the full body mirror that hadn’t been out on the wall yet and peered at his reflection. He looked like a mess but it was fixable. He liked the blue and black colour scheme on him but he did somewhat resemble what some would call an emo but that was just him overthinking his outfit. He walked back to his desk and grabbed and hair brush, trying to quickly fix the deep blue mess he called hair. He dashed to the door and sat on the floor, pulling his sneakers on with a bit of effort.

What if none of the Egos want to talk to you?

Blank stopped. Why wouldn’t the Egos want to talk to him? Especially the ones that Ethan created. Sure he was seen as a villain but Blank would argue that there were people considered more evil than him. Wilford was in no way sane and Googleipiler had injured people before. Some of Jacks Egos did questionable things but called themselves hero’s. Ethan seemed to have more mentally stable people than both Jack and Mark. While, yes some of them had a few screws loose, at least they acted like normal people sometimes.

Besides, some of the egos liked him. He needed to stop overthinking. He got up and grabbed a small bag, shoving his book and a pen into it, along with basic things such as his headphones, charger and finally his phone. He pulled the bag over his shoulders and power walked to the door when he thought of something.

Maybe I could try talking to the others instead of avoiding them

Obviously he would avoid the crazier Egos but he also didn’t know who was coming. He’d find out once he got there, he decided. He glanced over to the hoodie on his bed. He quickly grabbed it before taking off his bag and shoving it in. He sighed and put the bag on properly before heading out the door. He could here Anti and Dark down the hall where the front door was.

“Do we need to bring him? It’s not like he’ll do much anyway.” Anti asked.

“He needs to get comfortable and while I don’t think you find it necessary to take him on this trip. I don’t think he would be able to cope at home by himself, Anti.” Dark responded.

Blank walked over to the two once Dark finished his sentence. He stood there, saying nothing. Dark appeared confused with Blanks expression of sadness. Demons like Blank weren’t normally sad. Dark shrugged it off as Blank being moody. Blank pulled his head up to see that Anti and Dark were not there anymore. The slow feeling of worry set in. He was now alone. He tried to focus on teleporting but couldn’t. He got close to a wall and gently tapped his head against it. He needed to relax. Why couldn’t he relax? He stopped for a few minutes and tried the breathing exercises Ethan taught him.
He shut his eyes and hoped he would relax. That’s how teleporting worked for the others so why wasn’t working for him!

He jumped when he heard the loud buzz of people walking around, going about their tasks. He was met with a pair of hands being placed on his shoulder. Blank looked up to see Jackie-Boy man, one of Jacks Egos who claimed to be a superhero even if Blank wasn’t sure on his powers just yet.

“You good there bud? You look a bit shaken.” Jackie-Boy Man said.

All Blank could do was nod. Jackie nodded back and let go of his shoulders and took a step back. Blank saw the group of people he was vaguely familiar with. Google, King of the squirrels and Dark for Marks side, along with Mark himself. Jackie-Boy Man, Chase and Anti. Jack was currently talking to Mark about something. Blank seemed confused and walked to the nearest ego, which was Google.

“Hey. Where’s Ethan?” Blank asked.

Google seemingly glared at him for a few seconds. Blank forced a smile and watched as Google pointed to behind him. Blank looked over and was both shocked and amazed at the chaos he was watching. He knew Ethan’s egos were a tad more unhinged but most of them except for one weren’t even near Ethan so they ran off to who knows where.

Mad Mike, the ice cream seller who was made during A Date With Markipiler who may or may not have been hiding drugs in his ice cream for adult customers, was currently being dragged away from a parent and her child by Ethan. It didn’t seem like Mike was struggling or caring but they were talking to each other but Blank couldn’t make it out. Blank tried looking around but couldn’t find the rest of Ethan’s egos. They may have run off while Ethan was distracted.

Blank slowly looked back to the others and went towards King of the Squirrels and Jackie-Boy Man. He didn’t know the two well but he got the basic idea from what he had been told. Jackie was a possibly self proclaimed hero and had basic hero powers. He was loud and easily excited but mainly with anything involving hero’s. While King was more childish. He loved Squirrels and would sometimes try to feed them Peanut Butter of all things and not acorns. Blank wondered how he was considered an Ego despite not being on screen for long but then again Blank wasn’t given much screen time and was mainly asked to be in Halloween videos for about 10 seconds and appeared in a poster signing video but not much else so the question seemed a hypocritical.

Blank looked at King with what he thought was a smile but King seemed a bit uncomfortable. Blank dropped the smile and that didn’t seem to help since King took a step back. Blank sighed and held out a hand. The two had never met before but he had heard King being mentioned by a few other egos. Blank thought that he should introduce himself.

“I don’t think we have met before. I’m Blankgameplays. But just Blank is fine. Who are you?” He asked.

King took Blanks hand and shook it. He seemed to relax slightly but Blank could tell that King was surprised with how cold his hand was.  The shake went on for a few seconds before King let go and retreated his hand back to his side.

“I'm King of the Squirrels. But King is okay.” There was a pause. “So, are you...evil?”
Blank was slightly taken aback by the question. Normally people just assumed he was evil by default. He shook his head. “I don’t think I am.” Blank said, smiling.

King gave a nod and watched as Mad Mike and Ethan came back to the rest of the group with a sigh. Ethan looked at Mark and Jack. Both of them walked over to Ethan. Mad Mike was released and took a few steps back before dusting off his apron and making sure his ice cream man hat stayed on his head.

“Where’s everyone else?” Ethan asked.

“They ran off. I think they got bored of waiting.” Mark replied.

Ethan took a deep breath and Blank couldn’t help but feel slightly bad for his creator but Ethan was also the one to make the crackhead egos. Didn’t help that they all couldn’t be trusted alone for a few minutes. Especially the ‘stranger’ ones. Blank raised his hand to get Ethan’s attention. Ethan looked up and raised an eyebrow.

“What’s up Blank?” Ethan questioned.

All eyes looked to Blank. A wave of fear washed over Blank and seemed to stay there. He didn’t know why but he felt scared. Blank wasn’t used to talking to Ethan or many of the other egos except Dark and Anti. He must have been shaking again because he heard King say something but Blank couldn’t understand. He stopped and jumped when he felt something on his nose. He wiped it off and saw it was...Peanut butter? He looked over at King who smiled and gave a thumbs up. He heard a few of the other egos laughing, and Mad Mike looked slightly concerned, but he tried to ignore it.

“We...we can look for the others while shopping, they couldn’t have gone too far.” Blank said quietly but Ethan seemed to understand.

“Alright. Everyone, have fun shopping, except you Google because I don’t think you feel emotions.” Jack said, facing the rest of the Egos.

Google gave a thumbs up. Everyone wandered off, either into groups with people they knew or just walking off into stores. Blank stood near King and Jackie-boy.

Jackie looked at King in confusion. “Peanut butter? Really?”

“It was the only thing I had on hand.” King said, holding the jar of Peanut butter tight.

Jackie-boy rolled his eyes. He started walking off with King following. Blank didn’t really know who else to follow so he went with the two. Sure, he had Dark and Anti but he didn’t want to hear those two fighting. He needed a break. He watched as King shoved the Peanut butter jar into his cape. Jackie-boy glanced around before giving King a confused look.

“So, why are we here exactly?” Jackie-boy questioned.

“We’re getting a new Ego and Mark wanted some of us to get out of the house while the rest of the house prepares.” King stated.

A flash of confusion appeared on Jackie-boy’s face. “And the rest of us are here because...?”
King shrugged. “Ethan and Jack wanted to join in.”

The idea of the Ipilers having a new Ego interested Blank. Both Jack and Ethan hadn’t got a new one in almost years. He tugged the bag off his back and dug through the contents to find his book and a pen. He put the bag on his back before opening the book and flicking through the pages until he found a blank pages and quickly scribbled down things. Sure it was messy but he didn’t need to be perfect. He was a messy writer regardless. He closed the book once he was finished and noticed he was getting looks from the other two. Blank felt his body glitch for just a moment before he decided to start putting the book and pen away.

“What’s the book for? You write fanfiction or something?” Jackie-boy joked.

The joke didn’t ease Blanks feelings. He sighed as they kept walking. Blank messed with the bag straps. He looked down at the white almost marble patterned floors.

“It’s to help with my thoughts.” Blank answered.

Jackie-boy seemed to realise and quietly whispered something. King smiled at Blank and gave him a thumbs up. The trio were approaching a store that Blank assumed was a grocery store.

“Everyone has complicated thoughts and if you need to use that book then feel free to. We won’t judge!” King gave Blank a smile.

Blank was surprised. He had only met these two a few minutes ago and one of them wasn’t being rude. He wasn’t used to this. Sure, Ethan’s egos were okay with him but didn’t interact with him a lot and didn’t as quickly accept his habits. He smiled back. He looked back towards the store ahead and wondered what was in there. He knew groceries were in there but he wasn’t allowed to be in public often since people didn’t like him. But he now had new possible friends who would protect him.
That’s what he hoped at least. These people were nice and he wanted to be friends so he could have more people to talk to. They also made him slightly comfortable.

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