Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Lucie POV

We lay in our new bed. So weird to think this now OUR house, without Elizabeth and Harry. I'll miss them though. Nialler was fast asleep and I drifted off too. His hands on my waist. 

I woke up because of a bad pain in my stomach. "OUCH!" I screamed and sat up. "Baby, what's wrong?"  He sat up too. He looked at me, worried. "My stomach hurts so bad. What's happening!!?" I was so scared. "Don't worry baby, but I think we should get to the hospital. I think the baby is coming." He was so calm. HOW COULD HE BE SO CALM! I nodded and got out of bed. So did Niall. 

We were in the car and the pain only got worse. "Shh baby, everything will be okay. I promise. Don't worry okay? Just relax." I nodded. But how could I relax. That isn't even possible if you're in this pain. He drove as fast as he could to the hospital and I could see it in his face he was scared and worried too. I laid my hand on his leg. "Don't worry so much Nialler." I told him. I tried to hide all the pain I had but I failed. He smiled and glanced at me for a second before looking at the road again. I looked at my stomach. Within a few hours there would be a little girl or boy out of it. 

We reached the hospital and we got out of the car. Niall grabbed the bag he took with him and helped me to the entry. "Lucie Horan." He said to the woman at the desk. Horan? But the woman just nodded. "Why did you say 'Horan'?" I asked Niall. "I told them you had my last name because it's way easier than 2 different ones." I nodded and walked after him to a room. "Please lay down on the bed and relax. I'll tell what you can expect." the nurse said and I did what I was told. The nurse told me everything I had to know. 

7 hours later

Niall POV

I sat down and looked at the beautiful boy in my arms. Lucie was still tired of giving birth to this beautiful little boy. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He looked a lot like me but he had Lucie's mouth. How can a little boy be so fricking perfect? Lucie opened her eyes slowly. "Good morning beautiful." I whispered in her ear. He lips curled up.  "Good morning my king and little prince" she said with a weak voice. She looked at the boy in my arms. "Can I hold him?" She asked weakly. I nodded and gave her the little boy. She looked at him and smiled. "WHat's his name?" She asked me. "I don't know. How about Cody Robert?" I said. "I was thinking of exactly the same." She kissed Cody's forehead and said: "Welcome to the world, Cody Robert Horan." She smiled and I pressed my lips on hers. 

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