Chapter Twenty-One.

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Lucie POV

It's been 6 months now. 6 months since I got pregnant. 6 months since my whole life changed. My stomach was so big now, I couldn't go to school anymore, so I was studying at home. Today was going to be one of the worst days of my entire life. Niall would go on tour. FOR 2 MONTHS. IN AMERIKA! I don't know how I will survive this. What if the baby comes when he's not here. I looked next to me. Niall was still sleeping. He looked so peacefull. I can't imagine a better boyfriend than him. His arm was around my waist. Well yeah, kind of, since my stomach was in the way. He was smiling into his sleep. How did I get so happy to deserve him? I tried to get out of his grip. "Lucie, stay where you are." I heard Niall say in his morning voice. I still couldn't get used to this. 

"Niall." "hmhm" "you need to get out of bed, your plane leaves in 2 hours." I told him. "Okay" he sounded kind of sad. Maybe he was going to miss me too. He got out of bed. "Care to have a shower with me? Because, that's been quite a while." He asked, blushing. It was so cute. "I don't know." I looked at my stomach. Niall walked to me. "Babe, you're beautiful." "It's not that..." I blushed. "Oh come on! I've seen you naked before!" He laughed. "It still isn't that." I told him. "Then what is it?" "I don't think we would fit in there together." I mumbled. He just laughed. "We will. I promise." He grabbed my hand and drgged me to the bathroom.

After our most perfect shower ever we got dressed. Niall just wore some sweatpants and a hoodie. I tried to get into my skinnies but that didn't really work so I dressed into some sweats too. Niall got his suitcase in one hand and my hand in the other. I didn't want him to leave. I couldn't be without him. In this half year he's become so special to me. Tears were forming in my eyes. No more morning kisses, no more huggs when I'm sad, no more cuddling on the couch. I started crying. "Hey, baby, what's wrong?" He stood in front of me and hugged me. "I'm just gonna miss you so much." I cried out. "I'm gonna miss you too princess." He started crying too. "I just have to ring someone. Give me a minute." I nodded and he walked to the kitchen. I checked his suitcase if he had everything. I found a little book, a photobook. I got through it. I found a picture of Niall and I in the park. I found a few more pictures of us or the boys or his family. When I reached the last page I started crying. It was the first echo picture. There was writted under it. "My little prince or princess. I love you already. Your daddy." He was so sweet. 

Niall came back and found me crying on the couch, with the photobook in my hand. Niall sat down next to me. "You're so sweet." I cried out. "I'm gonna miss you so much." I think I haven't cried this much in a while. "You don't have to miss me." He said happily. She looked at me confused. "You're going with us!" He yelled out. I stood up and hugged him tight. 

Unexpected {Niall J. Horan}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt