Author's Note

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Dearest Reader,

I'm sad that this is over, I loved writing this story, I really did. I feel like it's been the best I've ever written and when I started I didn't even think it would become something as long and thought out as this.

I really want to know what everyone who read it thought, I don't know if there's many people who have got all the way through, but if there is, please tell me what you thought. I would love to read stories you've written or listen to any advice you have on changes I can make to this story. I know the ending may have seemed a disappointment, if it did then maybe you didn't fully understand the tale I was trying to write; that's okay too, everyone takes different things out of stories.

I had no idea how I was going to end it, and then I realized that this whole story started with just a letter and so should end with one too. I wanted the writing to be good enough to pull off a plot which wasn't the most exciting or the most eventful. I hope that the story told you a lot about the characters, maybe you became a little attached to them, maybe the story told you a lot about yourself. I guess that was my aim in the end, to get people to realize how beautiful a single word can be.

I wanted to show how simple and easy a relationship can come across, how relentless the media can be, how someone can persevere with their dreams. I guess I wanted to take this story from a different perspective, showing how tired a celebrity, such as Christopher Ainsworth, could get from always being stereotyped, ruined by a single role. Of course, I'm not famous, I don't know any well known actors, this is all postulation, but I still hope the message is put across. I'd love to know your take on the story, your view on it all. Do you have a favourite character? I think mine's Rafael Anderson, if that really is his name at all.

I'm truly thankful to you, my readers,


P.S. Did you know that the two most lovely words in the English language are cellar door? Say it over and over again now, in your head, echoing around your subconscious; I promise you, it means something special, I am sure of this. Love can be beautiful, even if it's all just make believe.

***DEAREST KIT is now available for free on Radish!! I'm going to be posting the DEAREST KIT SEQUEL! (I know I'm really excited too) exclusively on Radish so if you want to read that you need to find me, my username is 'lilyrosefreeman'. Before reading the sequel I strongly suggest reading 'The Lost Boys', which is on wattpad but will also be available with new chapters coming to Radish!! Thanks, Lily x****

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