characters introduction

Start bij het begin

Title: the half heavenly demon, human emperor

Personality: crybaby, a hardworking and initially optimistic

Weapons: xin mo, Zheng Yang (formerly)

Hua (luo) cheng

Hua (luo) cheng

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The youngest brother

Above 800+

The ghost king of the ghost realm

Title: crimson rain sought flower

Personality: charismatic and intelligent, with a nonchalant attitude

Weapons: E-ming

Lan wangji


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The youngest brother of the twin jades

23 (since he died but after he got reincarnated I might think that he will be 15 or 19?)

The second jade

Title:  Hanguang-jun

Personality: moral, honest, cold, and introverted

Weapons: Bichen💀

Instrument weapon: Seven stringed guqin

Lan xichen


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The oldest brother of the twin jades

32 years old

The first jade

Title: Zewu-jun

Personality: kind, gentle polite to everyone he meets.

Weapons:  Shuoyue

Instrument: liebing

Jiang wanyin (Cheng)

Jiang wanyin (Cheng)

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The brother of the Jiang siblings


The 2nd child of the Jiang sect leader and madam yu

Title:  Sandu shengshou

Personality: arrogant, and quite a bad-tempered

Weapons: zidian, sandu

Jiang yanli


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The sister of the Jiang siblings


The maiden and the daughter of the Jiang sect leader and the madam yu

Please idk her title 🥲

Personality: mild, Gentle and polite exterior, protective of her family, and nothing too much notable

She has no weapons💀

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