"Shhh no you can't," it said then covered its mouth.

"So you are here" she smirked, "well show yourself".

"No.. I can't. You'll run away if I do" it said.

"I can't run with this" she pointed to her ankle she hurt before slightly hissing at the pain. "I'm Eshima"

"I'm Michelangelo, but my family calls me Mikey," the voice now known as Mikey said.

"Well Mikey I can't run anywhere with his ankle, so why don't you just come out?" she said softly as he thought about it.

"Okay.. but please don't scream.." he said before slowly making his way out of the shadows and into the light of need by street lamps. Eshima looked to see a big green turtle? Needless to say, she was kind of confused.

"I'm sorry, is this some costume or something?" she chuckled a little as he shook his head no.

"No, very much real," he said standing about five ft away from her.

"Well Mikey I'm not running" she smiled slightly as he smiled back.

"Heh, thanks.. Hey let me help with that" Mikey walked over to her and held out his hand for her to take, Eshima was a little hesitant but she placed her hand in his before he helped her walk over to a nearby bench. Once she sat down Mikey ran over to a vending machine and got a cold drink with a few quarters "for your ankle" he explained after walking back to her as she then took the can from him.

"Thanks," she said, gently putting it on her ankle as he then ran off grabbing her board and backpack for her, setting them by her. "Hey thanks, that's really nice of you Mikey" Eshima smiled.

"It's no problem, do you mind if I look?" he asked, not wanting to overstep boundaries.

"No go ahead," she said, removing the frigid can and letting him examine her ankle. Eshima was told to never talk with people her brother didn't like, but Mikey was so different and it seemed like his existence was also secret like hers..

"Looks like you just twisted it, no breaks or sprains luckily" he smiled sitting next to her.

"That's good, but may I ask.. Were you watching me Mikey?" she asked, icing her ankle again.

"W-Well.. I-I was about to skate then you showed up, but you looked cool.. I-I guess I did watch.." he felt a little embarrassed but Eshima just smiled.

"You skateboard?" she asked as he nodded.

"Of course, why else would I be here?"

"A huge turtle that talks AND knows how to skateboard? I don't buy it" she said, shaking her head, as he then scoffed

"I do to know how to skateboard!".

"Prove it turtle!" Eshima teased.

"Okay watch me" Mikey ran off grabbing his board then started to skate doing all sorts of tricks. Truly Eshima was amazed by this until Mikey went to do a trick and then missed rolling off his board. Eshima gasped and quickly went over to him since he was on the flat part of the park.

"Mikey! You okay?" she asked, helping him up.

"Yeah I'm okay.." he said sitting up as Eshima handed him the still cold soda can. "Thanks" he took it, placing it on his head, as she sat next to him then looked up at the night sky.

"What are you Mikey? You're not some figment of my imagination are you? She asked as he chuckled.

"No, I'm real. I'm a mutant turtle, I'm also a ninja and a teenager" he said as she looked at him.

April and The Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesWhere stories live. Discover now