Change of Plans

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No one spoke. Not even a breath escaped anyone from in the room.

Dad clearly didn't know what to say. His expression was a mix of shock, disappointment, and anger, all in one.

Enzo looked at my father, then back at me, and sighed.

"I'm so sorry, Mr.Barrett." He got up and stood in front of my dad. What was he doing?

He was going to get killed.

Dad didn't say anything, but pointed out the door.

Enzo nodded understandingly, but I didn't comprehend how he could have been so understanding. Walking in here to his teenage daughter making out with a boy he had just met? That could have been the reason, I realized.

"Evelyn, I will speak to you when I'm finished with him."

I couldn't say anything. At all. I didn't even nod in agreement. What I was worried about then was Enzo. He was all that had consumed my mind ever since we had kissed that first time at the beach. I was angry with him for a while after that, but then I thought of the kiss. I actually thought about the kiss, and not the way he had done it.

And I slowly began to wish that I hadn't pushed him away.

Dad and Enzo were not gonna be the best of friends after this. I knew that, but I just prayed to God that it would work out. It's not like we were doing anything very sexual; we were literally just kissing. What was the problem with that? I didn't know. 

Most parents in our generation didn't care if their children lost their virginity at the age of fifteen, but my dad would never let me do such a thing. He would never talk to me again, and considering that he was the only parent that I had left, I wasn't going to let that happen.

I fidgeted with the string of my pajama shorts, hoping that Enzo would just come back into the room and tell me that Dad was pretty angry with me. I would be okay with that, although I hated when we didn't speak to each other for longer than a week. What I would not be okay with would be Dad kicking Enzo out for something that was clearly my fault.

Sure, he had been the one to start the kiss, but I made him do it. I told him I liked him back, and he just couldn't control himself. The thing was, I didn't stop him. That's what got us caught. Got us in trouble. Me.


It had felt like forever before Dad finally came in my room again and sat down beside me.

"Where's-" I began to ask where Enzo was, but Dad interrupted me.

"He's in the living room, Evie. But, I'm not worried about where he is. I'm worried about why I came into my daughter's bedroom to tell her a late goodnight, only to catch her and the boy I invited into my home mouth-sexing each other." Dad did not look even remotely mad. He only looked disappointed.

Which was far worse with him.

"It sort of just- happened, Dad." I answered simply. "I told him that I liked him back, and we kissed. That's all."

"Right. So, answer me this: Why did you have your tongue down his throat?"

I gasped, "Dad, no! I wouldn't- ugh, gross!"

"That's what I saw, Evie! You're saying it's gross, when you're the one that was doing it?" Dad furrowed his eyebrows. He did that only when he was angry or worried. 

I got the impression that he was a mix of both.

"Look, dad. Whatever Enzo said, it wasn't my fault."

"Enzo didn't say anything about it being your fault. He actually said that it was his fault. Now, I don't know who to believe."

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