Stop Asking, Start Feeling

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I didn't know when—or how— I was going to stop. However, I knew I was in deep trouble when I realized that he wasn't stopping either. He bent down to my height, caressed my face as he went down to kissing my neck, and that was when I got ahold of myself.

I pushed him away gently. "Enzo."

He chuckled, but I could tell that it wasn't a good chuckle. Nothing about this situation was humorous, except, perhaps, the fact that I had pushed him away twice now. And, this time, it was my fault.

"I'm...I'm sorry." I frowned, looking down at the ground.

He shook his head. "I just wish you wouldn't play with me this way. I'm trying to make friends with you, and you... You kissing me is not helping. Not after the last time."

"I am really sorry for that, but you had it coming." I replied.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean, if you had told me you liked me, perhaps before kissing me without my permission, then maybe I would have kissed you back."

"And, what was this, then? Was this not a kiss back?" He arched an eyebrow, giving me butterflies yet again.

"No. I- I mean... I don't know what this was, but it  was too much." 

"Again, don't mess with my feelings, and I promise not to mess with yours."

"I was not messing with your feelings!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms.

"Then, what would you like to call what you just did?" He questioned, crossing his arms as well.

"I told you, it wasn't a kiss back." 

"Yes, but you never told me the real reason, did you?"

"Stop asking me stupid questions!" I stomped.

He laughed. A real, sincere laugh. "Did you really just stomp, Evie?"

"Yes! Stop asking me questions. It gets annoying." I rolled my eyes at him, though I was pretty embarrassed by the fact that I did, indeed, stomp at him.

His way of conversation with me since we met at the tree had mostly been in questions and remarks. 

It really did get aggravating. Why could he not just reply to a question like a normal person did?

But, this was Enzo. I hadn't known him for a long time, and I did just kiss him.

But, one of the questions— out of the many that he had asked so far— had me thinking.

Was it really a kiss back?

"Fine, but I'm serious. Give me an answer, or I'll keep asking questions!" He grinned at me.

"I'm serious, too! I don't know what it was, Enzo. You just kept on giving me that look, and you were really asking for it."

"Asking for what?" He smirked.

Damn, he smirks more than he answers a question. That's not a good sign, I thought to myself. 

I knew that being his friend was gonna cost me a lot of my sanity. Hell, being with him in general was going to do so. Even being in the same room when he walks inside gives me the butterflies. This was going to be a long ride ahead of me, knowing Enzo.

But, I would go head on down that road. For him.

"You know what!" I answered back after returning to reality. It's not like he would go down the "road" with me, anyways. 

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