Chapter 27

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The day passed... fairly quickly.

We had our meal shortly after he said it, and it was delicious.

However, before either me or Diluc could comprehend it, it was already 7pm in the evening, and it was already starting to get dark.

Winter was quickly approaching - meaning it got dark outside a lot quicker.

"Oh, it is nighttime already?"
He walked towards the window and gazed outside. I completely admired him, without even trying to hide it.

"It's also cold outside, so perhaps the clocks have changed...?"

Diluc chuckled and turned around.
"Yes, that is probably the case. I will admit, I do like the cold. I would rather be freezing cold outside than boiling hot, because I can come indoors and escape the temperature."

"Yeah, I don't like it when it's very warm. It makes everything stressful, and doesn't help with sleeping."

He gently put his hand on my cheek and grinned slightly.
I looked back at him in confusion, and he caught on to it.

"Don't mind this, I am simply... admiring you."
My face tinted pink; the coincidence that I was doing the same to him minutes ago was quite surprising.

"There isn't much about me to admire..." I mumbled. I didn't mean for Diluc to hear it, but I forgot that he could hear extremely well.

"I beg to differ," He took his hand off of my face and looked away for a moment. "You're... very beautiful."

He seemed a little nervous to actually say that, but was trying to keep his cool.

"Thank you... I think you're pretty, too. I love your hair, it's so...-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I noticed he was blushing madly. If I said anything else, I would have darkened the red shade on his cheeks.

"I apologize... I rarely get compliments, so it is not easy handling them.  Especially when it's from somebody that I care for."

"Oh, I understand. Though... I still mean what I was going to say."
I put my hand on Diluc's - I found it cute how his eyes widened slightly whenever I touched his hands.

"Ahem..." He nervously cleared his throat again, then gave me an innocent smile. "Would you... like to watch a movie, maybe?'

Diluc's POV
When I asked the question, Y/N's eyes lit up.
"Of course! What movie should we watch?"

The excitement in her voice didn't fail to make me smile.

"Hm... would you like to pick?" I asked, standing up.

She shook her head.
"Surprise me! I'd spend forever deciding, anyway."


I picked a movie that we could watch.
To darken the room, I closed all the curtains and shut off all the lights.
It would be pitch black in the room if it weren't for the screen.

I sat beside her and she put a blanket over my waist.
I chuckled quietly and allowed her to lean on my shoulder.


In complete honesty, I was not paying much attention to the movie.
I was only really gazing at Y/N - she looked so fascinated and that was enough to distract me from the screen.

In total, the movie was about 95 minutes long, so it was fully dark outside by the time it ended.

"That was even better than I expected..." She sounded a lot more tired after the movie ended.

"I agree, but your voice sounds slightly different. Are you tired?"

She opened her eyes upon hearing my question.
"A little bit, but it's too early to be going to bed now."

"Ah, it's not. We have all the time in the world to spend time with each other... you can go to sleep now if you'd like."

Y/N let out a quiet yawn and nodded.
"Okay. But, uh..."

"Yes, what is it?"

"Will we be... you know, sleeping... in the same bed?"
She sort of whispered the last part, indicating that she was nervous to ask.

"You can do whatever you're comfortable with." I started, running my fingers through her hair. "I don't mind, whether you choose to or not."


I nodded.
"Alright... goodnight." I was about to go upstairs, before I realized I forgot one crucial part. "I... I love you..."

Diluc seemed surprised to hear me say it on the first day of us officially dating... but he wasn't complaining, and didn't hesitate to say it back.
"I love you too, Y/N."


I climbed into bed and sighed, before shutting my eyes.
I did want to share a bed with him, but it was slightly awkward - so I decided to wait until he went to sleep before I got into bed.

I didn't know how long that'd be, so I decided to try and get some rest.

Diluc's POV
I went to bed shortly after Y/N did.
I'll admit, I was a little upset when I noticed she was still in her own room - but I couldn't force her to do anything she was uncomfortable with.

I was about to fall asleep, but I heard the bedroom door creak open.
I didn't open my eyes or turn around, because I knew it was only her.

She slowly climbed into bed next to me, and intertwined her fingers with my own.

I immediately felt butterflies in my stomach.
I couldn't wait for the day that I could properly pull her into a kiss...

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