Chapter 23

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"Ah, Y/N?" Diluc stood up. "I have to go feed, I did not have the chance this morning."

It was kind of a shame, I enjoyed talking with him.

"Ah, no problem. See you soon."

He nodded and turned around, leaving the room.

-Diluc's POV-
Once I had left the house, I used my speed to go to the usual place where I usually found the fatui or treasure hoarders I wanted.

However, nobody was there.

'Strange.' I thought, looking around for any sign of presence. Still, no one was in sight. It was weird - there always used to be at least one person around.

I must have gone to 3 differents spots, and not one person was there. My body was starting to feel weak, and I ended up walking back home. I didn't have enough strength to use my speed.


When I got home, it was almost 8:30pm. It had been a long day, with all of the Xiong business - and it didn't help that there was no blood to drink.
I instantly walked into the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge.

Y/N heard my untidy search and came over to me.
She looked slightly confused.

"Are you... alright?"

I gulped and nodded. I didn't have any extra blood lying around, and I couldn't find anyone to feed on outside.

"Are you sure? Did you feed?"
I turned my head to face her; seeing that she genuinely looked concerned calmed me down a little bit. Though, at the same time, it felt like my hunger was eating at me.

Vampire hunger was nothing like human hunger.
My thoughts were acting like a broken record.

'Blood. Blood. Blood.'

My throat was dry, my head was pounding, and my limbs felt like they were about to fall off.

"N-No." I replied after a little while. "I couldn't find anyone, they must've figured it out."

Y/N's eyes widened. I worded it quite wrong.
"I mean they must have realized people are going missing in specific areas. It is not a big deal, I will just have to search for longer at some point..."

"Oh, phew..." She sighed in relief.  "Do you have like, um... blood bags?"

I shook my head and closed the fridge. At that moment, there was only one last option... but there was no way I was going to do it again.

"I'll wait until sunrise. That way I have more time to search for them."

"You'll be too weak to move by sunrise. Take some of my blood for now, I will help you look for them in the morning."

I shook my head and attempted to walk away... but Y/N grabbed my wrist.
I certainly did not expect that.

My face heated up, so I simply couldn't turn around.

"You didn't hurt me last time, what makes it different from now?"
She made a good point, however taking that risk was too much for me.

I shook my head again.

"Please? Deep down, you know you need to."

"You're offering your blood to a vampire. A monster from the deepest depths of hell, and you are more concerned about said vampire's health, rather than your own?"

She kept quiet for a moment.

"Yes, because I care about you. More than you could possibly imagine. Now take some of my blood, before I make you."

I found it incredible how she knew I usually had the strength to kill her without blinking, and still ordered me to do something.

"Fine. But this is the last time, I don't find hurting you enjoyable in the slightest."
On that note, I took her wrist once again.

Once I had all of the blood I needed, I moved and wiped my mouth clean.


I took a deep breath and nodded. I was relieved that the painful hunger was gone.

"Yes, thank you..."

"It's okay. Maybe... Xiong had something to do with the disappearance? What if he compelled them to move elsewhere?"

"That would make sense. It's not a problem, though. We can find where they have gone tomorrow. Afterwards, I have been asked to go to the winery again, because there are some missing pieces of work that need rewriting. You can come along, if you like."

She excitedly nodded. I knew Moco and Hillie would love to see her again, as well.

We were about to go to the living room to sit down. Nighttime was approaching, and it was nice to just sit and talk.
"Oh, would you like anything to drink? I was just about to make something for myself."

"Hmm... could I have that love poem thingy again?" She asked. My heart fluttered - I hadn't realized she remembered it.

"Oh, wow, you remember that?"

"It was only 2 or 3 weeks ago, of course I do!"

"Ah, well in that case, you can go and sit down. I will make the drinks."

Y/N thanked me and left the room.
I placed two cups on to the counter and made our drinks.
I made sure to add the right amount of ingredients - even a few extras that would help us get a good night sleep later on.


I gave her the drink and sat down.

She took a sip.
"Thank you, it's really nice!"

I loved how she was quite energetic but polite at the same time. She was also very comforting to be around...

"Anytime, I'm glad you like it."
I placed my own drink on the table and leaned back comfortably.
"Oh, by the way, how is your arm?"

She leaned back as well.
"It's completely fine now," She yawned and looked at the bite mark. "How are your own injuries?"

"They have fully healed now, I just need to wait for the marks to disappear."

Y/N put the cup on the table and closed her eyes.
I may have put too many ingredients to help us sleep in the drinks - because it looked like she was about to fall asleep.

I grabbed a blanket that was luckily in my reach, and lay it over her.
Though she didn't acknowledge it. Instead, she leaned against my arm.

I had no idea what to do at first - but I didn't want her to move.
I slowly moved my arm and put it over her shoulder.

My heart was beating quickly, and the feeling in my stomach was back.
That feeling was me having butterflies, and I didn't want it to go away. It was kind of exciting.

Y/N looked ever so peaceful, and it was cute to realize that she felt so comfortable around me.
I sighed to myself happily and shut my eyes as well.

"Sleep tight, Y/N."

Vampire Diluc x Reader [REMASTERED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant