Chapter 8

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-Diluc's POV-
I woke up with a severe headache. I should not have drank so much the night before, because basically everything ached.

'Perhaps I should take the day off work...' I thought, laying back and groaning. I didn't particularly like the idea of staying home just because of a headache, but that changed quickly after realizing Y/N must have felt worse than me.

When you get hurt, most of the time it feels worse the day after.
I could not even try to imagine how much it would have ached for her, considering what Kaeya did.

I went downstairs and took some medication that could have potentially eased the headache, before going back to my room.
As much as I wanted to check on Y/N, I didn't want to wake her up. It'd cause her less pain if she slept through it.

I really cared for her, and could not fully explain why. But I knew for sure I was not going to let Kaeya talk me into anything, no matter what it was.

The door creaked open, and I immediately got up to see if she was okay.
"Good morning, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, thank you."
She sounded somewhat better.

"Are you sure? Does it still hurt?"

"...Yeah, it does. But it's fine, don't worry."

I felt a little bad for flooding her with questions, but I genuinely wanted to make sure she was alright.

"How are you? You drank quite a lot last night." She added, confusing me. I did not get why she was concerned for my wellbeing. I was a vampire, why did she still care?

"Just a slight headache. I appreciate you asking, though."

-My POV-
Diluc started to head downstairs, so I followed behind him.

"I need to head out in a moment to find treasure hoarders. I won't take long, though." He said, putting on his jacket and boots as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Can I come with you?"

Diluc looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"Sorry... it's just... I kind of don't want to be on my own after... well, you know." I stared down at the floor anxiously.

"I understand, you can come. Make sure to be aware of your surroundings when we get there, though. They can be quite sneaky with attacks."

I nodded - and with that, we headed off.


When we got to a treasure hoader camp, I noticed the area was full of them quite quickly.
Though I wanted to warn Diluc, I thought I'd might accidentally disturb him - so I decided not to.

Before I could even comprehend it, he was already fighting them.

I looked the other way, but doing so I saw one of them about to attack Diluc from behind. It looked like he was holding some sort of weapon.

I instantly ran over, as if my legs were working for me, and pulled the treasure hoarder to the ground before he could do anything. He kept trying to fight back, though I kept my grip upon him until Diluc noticed.

"He was... about to hurt you..." I managed to say while struggling to constrain him.

"Thank you for stopping him. I was too focused on the others, that's my bad." I let go of him and Diluc killed him in a blink of an eye.

He helped me off of the ground.

"Oh, it's raining." Diluc folded his arms. I glanced up, also noticing lots of rain starting to fall from the sky.
"Best we should go back, then."

We started to walk back before the rain got any heavier. Luckily, it was not a long way to go. We'd be back at his home quickly.

"Diluc?" A question quickly popped into my mind.


"Why do you feed on treasure hoaders instead of other humans?" It was a bit awkward asking, as I couldn't relate to it at all.

"Because most humans do nothing wrong. I would not be able to live with the knowledge that I killed an innocent person. Unlike Kaeya, who does the exact opposite." He started. "I became a vampire because my father did, and I did not want him to be alone. Of course, Kaeya did it because he wanted to taste human blood."

I figured that Kaeya was not the best person to be around, but I didn't even expect that.
"...Where is your father?"

Wrong question to ask.

"He's... not alive. It's been a few years."

Guilt suddenly hit me.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I did not even know what else to say.

"It's fine, you didn't know. Though I must say, you do look quite intrigued when I talk about vampires."

A small grin grew on my face.
"Well, yeah... wouldn't you be surprised, as well? To hear about something that most people are afraid of from a completely different view?"

"Were you afraid when we met?"

"...Of course I was, I'd never seen anything like it before. I thought I was going to die, I guess." I had no idea why I was opening up to Diluc. It just felt... right, in a way.

"Is that so? Do you still think that?"

"No, not after what happened with Kaeya. If you wanted me dead, then you would have left me there."

"I don't want you dead. I can't even bare the thought of you getting hurt, let alone actually seeing it." Diluc mumbled, but I could hear it. I decided not to question it as we arrived home.

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