"Stop making a scene Meredith. I know you like it" He whispers before thrusting his tongue inside my mouth. I am in a complete shock. I can't move. Tears are rolling down my face while he keeps kissing me. He starts to move his hand up my leg and I start to kick but it is useless. He moves his hand higher and higher until he reaches under py dress and his fingers brush over the fabric of my panties.

"Stop it! Get off of me!" I scream in the hope somebody will hear it but the music is too loud and my voice will never reach over it.

Ian keeps stroking his hand over my panties. He hooks one finger under the fabric and slowly pulls it down. He keeps grinning and keeps a dirty, disgusting smile on his face. I keep slamming my fists into him but it is no use. I am tired and I don't have any fight in my anymore so I just close my eyes and embrace myself for what will come.

My panties are now on the floor and I am crying but my body is limp. I have no strength in me anymore. "Please stop" I cry but he moves his hand back up my leg. I close my eyes even tighter and embrace myself but it never comes. Instead his hand moves away from my body and a loud thump fills the room.

I open my crying eyes and look directly in Derek's blue eyes. His hand is balled into a fist and the fist is red and bloody. I keep sobbing and try to wrap my mind around what just happened. I look down and Ian's body is on the floor. His face is bloody and red. Derek rushes over to me and I collapse in his arms. I keep crying into his shirt.

"Meredith, what happened?" He asks panicky.

"I-I-I..." I sob. "Ian kissed me and... wanted...sex" I cry. "But I said no and he continued"

"Oh Mer..." He holds me tighter and susses me. "I was looking for you because you were away a long time and then I hear cries coming from the bathroom so I went in. I saw you backed up against the wall, Ian pinning you against it and you were crying and begging him to stop so I didn't think twice and hit him, away from you."

"Thank you." I cry. I look up at him and see the worry in his eyes.

"Come one. I am going to bring you back home." He says and pulls my panties up. He does his best not to take a look and it brings a small smile to my lips. He lifts me up and carries me outside. "Are you okey to walk or do you want me to carry you home?"

"I can walk" I sniffle. He places me back down and I use my crutches to move forward.

We finally arrive at the my dorm room and I open it. Derek helps me inside and to our surprise Addison is nowhere to be seen. I sigh deeply and kick my shoes off. Derek is about to turn around and leave but I grab his arm and turn him back around. "Can you stay, please".

He smiles. "Of course. Whatever you need."

I smile back and grab my pajama's out of my closet. "Can you turn around please? " I ask shyly, looking down at the ground.

"Of course. Don't be shy." He smiles again and turns around. I quickly change into my pajama's and crawl under my blanket. "Coast is clear" I whisper. He turns back around and takes a seat behind my desk.

"I'll stay as long as you need Meredith" He smiles caring and I smile back at his sweet gesture.

"Thank you Derek. And thank you for saving me. I was really scared." I admit, tears forming in my eyes again.

"No need to thank me. He should never have touched you without your permission in the first place."

"I know but still..."

"Really, no need to thank me. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Nobody should be used when they don't give consent."

I smile at his kind words. I don't know what else to say and to be honest I am still a little shocked about what happened to me. It was supposed to be a fun party to celebrate the start of the school year but it turned into something I wish I can erase from my memory.

I lay back and try to get some sleep but I keep turning and twisting under the covers. I can't seem to find my peace so I sit back up. To my surprise Derek is still sitting behind my desk reading in one of my books.

"Derek" I whisper.

"Yeah?" He looks up.

"Can you come and lay with me?" I ask nervously.

"Sure" He smiles and walks towards my bed. "I will go and change into some more comfortable clothes if that's okey with you."

"Yes but don't make it too long" I say while tears form in my eyes again.

"I'll be back in 5 minutes" He smiles and presses a soft kiss to my forehead.

He rushes out the door and before I know it he returns in grey sweatpants and an old t-shirt. He lifts the blanket up and crawls in bed next to me. The single bed is a tight space for the both of us but he wraps an arm around me and pulls me close to him. I look up at him as if to ask permission to put my head on his chest and he nods. I gently lay down and listen to his calming heartbeat. Before I know it my eyes close and I wander off to sleep. 

When we first met - MerDer In CollegeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant