8- Meeting with the Masters

Start from the beginning

"It'll be a struggle getting into contact with him." He coughs. "I sent a letter to his job. He left on a ship to look for 'something' 6 months ago and hasn't been seen since."

I groan. "And we don't have anyone else?"

"Old men who look creepy." He scoffs. "They will decrease our enrollment rate. You want more people, you show up looking pretty and the boys will adore you and the girls will want to be you. Besides, you can come twice a week. You don't have to travel every day, just on the days that are convenient for you."

I look down, looking at the assortment of packets in front of me. I know that Kramer is right. A lot of people in my department are old, very few young people stay in the Academy. Hews is already retiring, many others will be leaving soon. I will need to fill these empty seats quickly.

Besides, I miss the academia life. It was simpler, there was no threat of marriage or death. I learned new things and befriended (very few) people. Staying in the Academy is the main reason why I took the role as a Master. I didn't need fame, I had my family name to make me famous. But to stay in this Academy, constantly surrounded by old architecture, old books, and the people I befriended who stayed here... the aesthetic of it all enamored me.

I have always wanted to stay here. When I was offered the position, I jumped on it. I don't want to leave and become Queen. I just want to look over Ancient Magic. I sigh, remembering my first year and loving all of my history classes even though the professor was a dud. I remember I loved learning new things, learning the ancient language and conducting experiments.

There are many things I never did in my previous life because I wanted to avoid causing problems between my family and others in society. I gave up this Academy to be Queen. I tried to be the best person, but I was still executed. Fuck my family and fuck Prince Ivan. I'm going to start doing things for me.

I no longer want to run away from the Prince to a foreign nation where he can't find me and live my days as a rich commoner. Why do I have to sacrifice my love for magic? Why should I give up my Master title? I worked hard and deserve my role. Besides, how can I give up this life?

I tighten my hands into fists and look at the packet with new students coming in. I loved school. I was away from my family, hung out with Milo and I flourished in all of my classes. I did well, and I can personally help others too. Kramer wants to help me make my life better, I should take it.

"Fine, but I have demands." I grab a sheet of paper and a quill. "First, I choose the days, times and places where I will teach. Two, you will find my replacement. They will stay indefinitely, I'm just a place holder. Three, I take only two classes-

"Four. We need you to teach about the curses." Kramer interrupts me. I sigh, forgetting that was a class he taught.

"Fine, I will take all four Ancient Magic history classes until my replacement comes on the days I choose. You will take a brunt of the tedious workload that I am in charge of and you will pass on your work to your secretary, aka the secretary's assistant. I'm requesting a total of 4 TAs, one for each class so that they aren't overwhelmed and the students are well prepared." I wrote all of this down, making sure to carefully write my demands down. Once done, I slide the paper over to Kramer to see and to have. He likes to have written records.

"So, I heard you were almost killed yesterday." Kramer quickly changes the subject, and from his wide eyes I can see he's been dying to ask me.

I freeze and look at him, unsure of how the news spread so quickly. "Yes. I was with Lady Horla and we were almost killed. I made a magic barrier, before it could fully be made, he cut me. He used a magical weapon and.... my barrier broke. I was cut," I gestured to the red scar on my neck and cheek. The boils have gone down, but the area is still horribly red. "Luckily, I'm alive."

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