-- Was That a Kiss or Not? --

Start from the beginning

"There, now you can cut my rope with that, then i'll free you too. Then we can find a way out of... This place." he said. Lev still had that sensation on their lips, and touched them in shock. Then they heard his voice and snapped out of it, and held the piece in between their teeth as they started cutting. When they both had finally been freed, Levs face was still completely red. They made eye contact and it was silent for a couple seconds. "Sorry I probably should have asked before. You know what I probably could have gave you that piece in a different way and should have too. Im so dumb." Michael said with his head down, fidgeting with his fingers. Lev themself didn't really know how to feel about it. It wasn't even a real kiss, so why was Lev's heart beating so fast? Why did Lev not want that moment to end? Why did Lev... enjoy it?

And also, where did that piece of metal come from?


(Gregorys POV)

The energetic, happy, and cheerful Sun had now set and turned into Moon. I shoved the security card from the desk into my pocket, and picked up a random pen laying around. I aimed for those stackable can thingys that Sun got all stressed about when they fell over. I don't know if Moon would go and fix it like Sun had, but it couldn't hurt to try. I shakily took a deep breath, and threw the pen. I hit my mark, and the cans went topping over! Moon rushed to go fix them again and I ran inside of one of those playplace structures. I caught my breath for a minute, and got a message from Freddy, on my fazwatch. "Superstar, what have you done!? Im near the daycare and the lights seem to be out!" "It wasnt me! I picked up the security card, and someone had rigged it so that the lights go off!" I said. "Who would do such a thing..." Freddy questioned. "FREDDY! Help me! I dont know what to do right now!" Gregory panicked. "Hmm... there should be generators around the daycare! If you find all of them, the power will be restored!" Freddy said in a hopeful tone.

So here I am, hiding and looking for generators while constantly having a creepy looking animatronic hunt me down. Life is nice. Actually, no its not im being sarcastic. I hear the animatronic saying things like "where are you" "there's no point in hiding" "lets play!" "naughty children must be punished" seemingly in a loop.

Every 5 seconds I hid behind something, regardless if I had heard or seen anything that shows the animatronic is near. Why am I so scared of a daycare attendant?! This thing is supposed to take care of toddlers! This started to make me wonder why all the animatronics, meant to deal with kids, were so hostile all of the sudden. 

Anyways I was down to the last generator. Hooray! But suddenly I heard a raspy voice behind me say, "OH THERE YOU ARE! IVE FOUND YOUU!" My blood ran cold. I needed to get to the last generator. Now. I looked around and I saw it in the corner of my eye! But that Moon thing was now on my tail. It was about to grab me when I dove into the structure and sprinted up the ramp leading to the upper levels of it. I pushed past obstacles, and Moon seemed to get slowed down by them. The area I was in was smaller, and I had to crawl. I was crawling as fast as I could, and when I turned around, and Moon was there! A rush of fear went through my body and I went even faster. Moon giggled and seemed to take his time though. Was he toying with me? Did he know I was going to lose?

This was taking too long. Moon was going to catch up with me if I dont get to that generator soon. Suddenly, I spot one of those nets, keeping kids inside the structure, and from falling out, torn open. I take a risk and go out of it, and try to climb onto the floor with the generator. Moon seems confused as to where I went, until my leg slipped while I was climbing and he screeched, "I SEEE YOUU!"

I started sweating uncontrollably and climbing in a panic. I finally reach the level with the generator, but feel a metalic, cold hand grab onto my leg. I shriek and practically rip the safety net open, and turn the generator on. The lights were turning on. I did it. Suddenly I heard a loud THUD. I looked down behind me to see where Moon had gone. He wasnt holding onto my leg anymore but I could now see Sun, lying on the floor of the daycare. No. This can't be. Sun was actually good to me, or at least tried to be. He couldnt be broken right? Right...?

I finally reached the ground where Sun is now laying. Suddenly, he pops right up with that permanent smile on his face, now looking more fake than ever. He doesnt look too damaged, but has some scratches and rips on his clothes.

"D-did you do this to me?" He said in his robotic voice, in a tone that sounded like he was about to cry. I remained silent. I couldnt tell him that he had nearly killed me, and was hunting me down just a moment before. But he looked like he knew. "You turned the lights off didnt you..." he muttered. He grabbed me, and held me tightly. "Ow let go of me!" I shouted. He took me up the slide I had come down from, and dumped me right outside of it. "You are BANNED from the daycare! Dont come back again!!" he said, then slid back down.

Suddenly I heard knocks coming from the daycare's door. 

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