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"May I?"

I turned around to see my boyfriend flashing his wide smile at me. Beomgyu and I were in the demons' sanctuary again. It had been days since Jaemin died, and my heart still felt shattered.

I blinked twice at Beomgyu — realizing that I failed to catch up nor take care of him these days. I could not help but feel guilty for not being a better girlfriend for him.

"Yes." I nodded and continued hugging my legs while staring at the sea. He silently sat beside me before wrapping an arm around my back. Quiet... But comforting.

Days had passed, yes, but the pain was not any different. First, my twin. Now, my older brother. Was that a sign that I would be next? It caused me to stare at Beomgyu for a moment.

No, not now. I still have plans with this popsicle.

"I know I'm handsome but stop staring," he shyly said before covering his red cheeks using his hand. "Well, I can't blame you. You have a handsome boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes before silence enveloped us again.

"Hey..." I fidgeted with my fingers. "I'm sorry."

When I looked back at him, he was facing me with a confused expression. I had to bite my inner cheeks to stifle a smile due to how adorable he was.

"For what?" He raised a brow.

"I know that relationships are supposed to be very sweet in the first few days," I sighed. "But I gave you a different one. I'm sorry for not being a good girlfriend."

This was what I feared, especially when I asked him before if what would happen if he fell out of love with me. To be honest, it would rip my heart to pieces.

It was my turn to be confused when he suddenly chuckled at me. Did I say something funny?

"Seems like you got the wrong idea of relationships." Beomgyu scooted closer to me. "Relationships are supposed to be... I got you, and you got me."

"You're suffering now... And I'll share that pain with you." Was he a fool not to hear my loud heartbeat? "Your problem will become our problem. Your pain will be our pain. And, your happiness will be our happiness."

How in the world did I deserve a guy like Beomgyu?

But to be honest, I did not want any other man rather than him. I don't care if they have similarities... All I want is Choi Beomgyu. I could not help but to tear up with what he said.

"Oh, popsicle." He immediately pulled me into an embrace when he noticed me crying. While I sobbed, he repeatedly kissed my hair. I did not even know why I was crying.

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