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"Ah... The quiz is near."

Chaeryeong sighed as she leaned back on her chair. The period for Human Warfare just ended as all of us got ready to have a movie marathon later at our dorm. Speaking of the quiz, I haven't gotten to study yet. I would just cram it... especially since the examination is the day after tomorrow.

"Chae, don't fool us," Beomgyu said while he was packing his books in his bag. I had to bite my lower lip to stifle a peal of laughter. Knowing Chaeryeong, she's probably going to be irritated at Beomgyu. "I know you prepared for this for... I guess a WHOLE month."

"Unlike you, I am responsible," Chaeryeong fired back, and I was right; she was now irritated since she shot a glare at the ice prince. Taehyun smirked as he stuck out a tongue at Beomgyu, who was in disbelief right now.

"Have you studied?" I turned my head to my lemon head seatmate as he adjusted the straps of his backpack. Since that day with Jaemin, I started to feel nervous around Yeonjun... especially since I could clearly see that my red string was tied to his.

"No," I answered and minded my business. Even though I would often shut him off on our conversations, he always got his method to work his way around the awkwardness between us. Well, after all, we really got closer to each other.

"Study with me, please," this yolk head pouted me as he tugged my arm like a begging puppy, except that he was not cute. I furrowed my brows, knowing full well what he was hinting. This Jun just wanted my attention.

"You like to bug me..." I said and raised a brow at him while I carried my bag on my shoulder. "So, no."

I was very serious with my studies, and I did not intend to fail a quiz just because of my "soulmate." You know what? I really think that there was an error with my powers. I refuse to believe that Yeonjun is my soulmate.

"Yeji, please..." He was pouting at me as he stared at his hand tugging on my arm. His forehead was creased, almost resembling a pouty fox. Not going to lie; he looked adorable with that expression. But I had to put myself first.

"No, Jun," I said in a stern tone. He took a deep breath before nodding. For a moment, I felt guilty but stopped when his face lit up. He was beaming a smile at me as if he was not sad with my refusal.

"Okay!" Yeonjun exclaimed and walked away to the guys. I watched as our red string stretched as he moved farther from me. I could not help but wonder if we're supposed to be romantic soulmates or just platonic?

"Let's go!" Yuna said with Kai beside her. The eight of us immediately surrounded the two of them as we got ready to leave the classroom. Seeing everyone here, I was glad that we were getting along.

Even Taehyun and Chaeryeong did not seem to be fighting anymore.

"Do we have food?" Chaeryeong asked Yuna, who looked up in the air, probably searching for an answer there. According to my memory, Yuna finished eating the kimbap. But, there were enough finger chips for all.

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