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Mia's POV

The sharp sting on my skin as my fathers hand left cheek. "You stupid bitch!!" My father yells as tears well up in my eyes "I'm s-sorry" I whimpered as I hold my face. "Donavan!" My mother screams, storming into the basement, "Stop it! Let her go now!" My father lets go of my wrist and I run towards my mother. "What is wrong with you!?" Mother questions father. "She failed her Math exam!" My father would always find the littlest things to beat me up for. "And? That is no reason to hit her!" Mother snarled at him. Father rolled his eyes at mother as she whispers in my ear to go up to my room and lock the door. I do as she say and run to my room making sure to lock as I hear mother and father auguring getting quieter the father I got.

After two hours I hear a knock on my door, I ignore it and go back to studying for my bio exam I have next week. A couple seconds later there is another knock on the door, after the 5th knock I realised it was my mother. I quickly got up from my desk and unlocked the door, opening it tell my mother to come inside. She sits on the end of my bed as I sit back down at my desk spinning the chair around to face mother. "You father can be out of place sometimes" She sighs, shaking her head. I only nod in response. "Mother why are you with such a cruel man like father?" I ask her after a moment of silence so suddenly she is shock back by my question. "He was a good man when I met him.." hanging her head low "we met each other when we were 14, I fell in love with him so easily...when he was about 17 he turned into this..this selfish, cruel, heartless man. I, staying with him thought thick and thin made it easier for him to cope with the mafia. After I had you he became he is now." She sighed "I would have left, ran as far as I could but I didn't want to leave you" she smiled at me softly, a thick silence filled the air. "Dinner will be reading in 10 minutes" mother said before getting up and walking out, closing the door behind her.

15 minutes later I stop studying and start to get dress I put on a tight nude skirt with a lose turtle neck sage green sweater and head downstairs. I walk into the dinning room to see my father with a unimpressed look on his face. "Good to see you have finally come to join us" father said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "I'm just 5 minutes later." I mutter to my self. "What was that?!" My father snaps at me. "Nothing" I reply as I sit at the massively over sized table. We all eat in silence the only noise is the clinks of the cutlery on the plates. "So Mia, your mother told me you have a biology exam next Friday" my father asks sipping on his wine. "Yes" I nod. "You better pass" father say, his dominance taking over. "Donavan" my mother warned. "Amanda, she can't fail all her class!" Father replied shaking his head. "Why does it matter it I fail or pass if your just going to make me take over this fucking mafia when I'm 18!" I snap at him. My father stands up slamming him hands on the table "watch your tone with me young lady!"

"I'm not hungry anymore" I say pushing my chair away from the table and standing up. I walk up stairs and into my room, shutting the door behind me. I grab a pair of sweats and a bra from my dresser and walk into the bathroom. I lock the door and walk to the shower turning it on, I undress myself and hop in letting the warm water soothe me. I wash my hair and my body. I turn off the water and get out of the shower, wrapping the towel around me. I blow dry my hair and put it in a messing bun on top of my head. And get dressed. I walk out of the bathroom and lay down on my bed with me phone in my hand. After a couple of hours I glance at the time on the top of the screen. 10:35pm. Shit. I put my phone down on my bedside table and start to doze off.


This is the first piece of writing I have published for everyone other then my friends and family to see and read so I hope you all enjoy it

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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