Chapter 7: Unexpected Help

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Chapter 7: Unexpected Help

Damn it. That blind fool shouldn't have come! I can handle these two on my own!

"Terrorblade. Thanks for arriving." Akasha said. What?! She just thanked her! Annoying!!

Magina was stunned to find his brother, and he stopped channeling his spell.

"So, have you gotten so low as to beat up two powerless warriors, brother?" Terrorblade said.

Magina laughed evilly, "Ha ha ha ha! Brother? Me? Your brother! Damn you! You never treated me like one!! You're just a corrupted fool of the Scourge now, a merciless mindless ghoul."

Terrorblade laughed.

Wait—did he just call us powerless?!

"We're not powerless, Terrorblade. We can beat up these two without your help." Akasha said. I agreed. We didn't need him at all.

Terrorblade ignored us. Damn.

I just had to approach him and beat him up, but Akasha stopped me.

"No, don't." Akasha whispered, "I lied when we didn't need him. I just wanted to say something cool."

Oh great.

Terrorblade turned to Magina. "You're right, I'm a ghoulish beast now...I serve the Lich King, and nothing more. These two are my allies, and we all treat each other like siblings—not like you Sentinel fools."

I choked at his statement. Never was he my sibling!

"Terrorblade's right," Akasha said to Magina, "We're like brothers and sisters here."

"Hah—foolish words!" Magina shouted, "Never can an army of fiends have that kind of thing! It's all in the Sentinel, and the Sentinel is the real hero here!"

With that, Magina slashed at Akasha. I vaccuumed him away from Akasha and Terrorblade distracted him. Nortrom threw his glaives towards me, leaving a terrible wound. I ignored it and fought Nortrom, Akasha right beside me.

"You! You were never a brother to me!" Magina said as he slashed at Terrorblade, however, Terrorblade did not fight back.

"You're a fool, brother. You don't understand you're the one who's going to fall." 

"Scum!! YOU'RE the one who's going to die—not me!"

Magina continued to slash away, draining Terrorblade's energy and obtaining scars from his attacks. However, Terrorblade didn't seem to mind the wounds at all, and continued to smile—as if mocking Magina, angering him even more.

Nortrom was a difficult enemy to handle.

Akasha and I couldn't scratch him—whenever we attack him, he just uses that pendant on his necklace—the Mekansm Pendant. His wounds fully heal with each attack, and we had no chance. His attacks were incredibly strong and his armor was hard to penetrate.

"Die, you fool!" Magina continued to strike Terrorblade, with not a single scar. Terrorblade was bleeding heavily, but it didn't really matter. If he dies—I'd even thank Magina for doing it.

"You're the fool, brother. Prepare to die now."

Then, Terrorblade channeled all his scars—all of them instantly being transferred to Magina.

"Wh-what...yo-you!! What have you done, you fiend?!"

Then, from the distance, I saw reinforcements.

Not allied reinforcements—but enemy reinforcements. 

How to Vacuum the Queen of Pain (Ish'Kafel x Akasha - DOTA Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now