Affection Zim x Alien reader

937 17 13

(Reader is tall for sake of species, sorry short people, I am also short.)

This was requested by Anime123miku
Thank you for requesting!


What is it's true name other than something
Unknown to man.

That's what (Reader) was. They appeared human but with light/dark/mid blue skin and frail fins on their face, with big eyes for seeing in the dark waters of the ocean, both legs separated with fins along the length of their legs. A beauty to behold with their alluring (body type) body and beautiful (hair type) hair. They as well sported a rather tall body for swimming, about 6'5. They were Meralian.

Why would such a majestic creature decide to go to a crappy middle school with a bunch of idiots. Well, simply because they were idiots and they needed a place to hide.

Their guardian would never allow them to leave the deep waters, staying a predator to those stupid enough to hurt them. They wanted to be more than that. (Reader) was not just a stone cold killer in the depths, they were a person, with feelings. So they left to the surface.

Now here they were, walking into the classroom. They had done their best hiding their fins but it wasn't enough, as told by the gaping mouth of a short boy with a shark fin haircut thet defied gravity. As well as a huge head, like damn, that thing was bigger than a watermelon.

After introductions, the only thing said, well rather yelled, was "I KNEW THE SEA MONSTERS WERE REAL! LOOK, AN ACTUAL REAL LIFE MERMAID/MERMAN/MERFOLK!"

Oh no.

All you could say was,"It's a skin condition dude."

"Alright both of you shut up, take your seat, and if I hear a peep out of you, you're going to the underground classroom." 'Mrs. Bitters' had said, which was what you thought her name was based on the nameplate.

Slowly sitting down next to this green kid covered head to toe in black and pink. He looked at you suspiciously, but when you locked eyes, he sat up straight and faced forward. 'Strange' They thought.


They walked to their home that they had recently purchased and whatnot. It was close to this one weird looking house. It had a green exterior and a purple roof. Odd. There were also these really stupid looking gnomes outside the house and an 'I ♥️ Earth' flag.

They sighed as they looked down and made their way to their house.

They hear a shout of their name, 'READER, I DEMAND YOU SEE THE ALMIGHTY ZIIIIMMM' alright, guess you have plans now, cool. This guys had jet black hair and a smaller shark fin hair cut, with purple eyes, which made you wonder why you didn't notice this earlier.

Coming over, you said hi and asked him what he needed, towering over him in the process, making him look a bit frightened and somewhat flustered. He coughed and not-so-politely a̶s̶k̶e̶d̶ told you to come inside and something about being honored or whatever.

You had never seen a house on the INSIDE since all you'd seen was the outside looking over the coast line. Walking in you looked around. Lots of purple. Why? You took a seat as he instructed and he sat next to you.

Awkward silence. Oof.

Looking over (Reader) asked how his day was. He shot them a confused look before quickly replying with a, "My day...? That's an odd question, it was alright though." You nodded and smiled at him. This was nice but you questioned why he would think it was weird,. He simply responded by saying,"Where I'm from, we don't ask about, 'feelings', it is all about logic. But after my leaders abandoned me, I... I don't know what's right." He said muttering the last part. He physically deflated, seemingly reliving a horrid memory.

In an attempt to comfort him, you placed your hand on his head and slowly pat his head, but as you did so, the wig came off. Out of shock, Zim shook. "Just take it off, no use in hiding it." You slowly took off the contacts as well and looked at his head, the wig being replaced by antennae. You pat his head and held him as he cried into your arms.

You could see now. He had nobody except for the green dog thing which finally showed up, seemingly out of nowhere, as well as that floating moose.

You looked at him and just sat there,holding him and telling him it would be alright.

You soon laid back and let him rest on your chest as you held him, cuddling him on the couch. He soon calmed down and looked up at you, and muttered,

'Is this what humans call affection?'

808 words!

Invader Zim x Reader Oneshots/Headcannons (Indefinite Haitus)Where stories live. Discover now