Chapter 12: Settling in

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     It took you a few long strides to catch up to Hunter, who was still speed walking down the hall, but when you reached him you grabbed him by the shoulder making him pause momentarily to look at you. Out of breath, you leaned over and took in a few gulps of air before looking back up at him.

     "Why are you running?" You demanded, standing straight up once more. Hunter folded his arms behind his back and raise his head, trying to make himself look taller.

     "Emperor Belos doesn't like to be kept waiting. But I don't trust you to go upstairs by yourself so I have to get you up there quickly." He responded with a matter-of-fact tone to his voice. You looked at him slightly confused after a simple solution came to mind.

     "Can't you just teleport us there with your magic staff thingy?" You said waving a finger in the air. Hunter paused for a moment before raising his hand which landed on his mask as he facepalmed.

     "I'm an idiot." He muttered before summoning it to his side. You smiled and waved your hand dismissively.

     "Yes, you are. Now come on smack it on the ground or whatever it is you do to make it work." You said. Hunter angeled the palisman to where he could swing his leg over it.

     "Come on then. Get on." Hunter said impatiently. You walked over to him and placed your hands on his shoulders before swinging your leg over as well.

     "Hold on." Hunter instructed. Before you knew it, a wave of energy rushed through your body. It felt as if you had suddenly been thrown out into open sunlight without any sun protection. But as quickly as it happened it had subsided and the two of you stood at Hunter's door.

     You looked down to get off the staff but your attention was pulled away by a large square basket placed at the door. It was wrapped with a bow and held the essentials for self care. A few bars of soap, a hairbrush, dental care, and other things a normal person would require to stay presentable. A note was tied into the bow to which you went to read but Hunter interrupted your train of thought.

      "I have to go now. I trust you won't do anything stupid while I'm gone." Hunter said looking down at the items in the basket you had just picked up.

     "How can I when you're taking all the stupid with you." You retorted playfully. You had a feeling Hunters face was looking at you with a firm expression.

     "I'm serious y/n. If you get into any sort of trouble I won't be able to do anything if Emperor Belos-" He started, to which you waved a hand aimlessly

     "Ya ya, you don't have to worry about me. While you're gone I'm just going to get cleaned up, so don't come barging in when you get back." You said. A thought came to mind though after that statement.

     Is the collar water proof? Will I be electrocuted if I get in the shower with this one?

     As if syncing what you were thinking Hunter gave a sigh.

     "I'm not supposed to do this but" He leaned his palisman against the wall before reaching into his cloak to take out the remote to the collar. He leaned forward and placed the device on a pressure plate at the back of your neck. You stayed still not wanting to accidentally sit something off in the device. There was a click that was followed by the band of metal falling into Hunter's open hand. He placed the remote and collar into the basket you still held and looked back up at you.

"I'm trusting you y/n. You know, that thing you told me we needed to build last night." He said before taking his palisman in his hands once more. Balancing the basket in one arm you reached up to rub your neck. It was tender and felt oddly tacky from the accumulated sweat.

"Thank you."You said while moving your gaze back to the boy in front of you. He gave you a head nod before squaring his shoulders.

"Now I really have to go." Hunter said throwing his leg over his artificial palisman once again.

"Before you go, I have a question." You said. Hunter paused and looked back to you, waiting for your question. At this point, you didn't want him to leave but you knew if he didn't Belos would be pissed, so you tried to get the question out quickly.  "Why didn't my collar go off during training?" You finally asked. Hunter shrugged his shoulders.

     "Must be a proximity thing. Since we were so close the collar must've sensed that it was within proximity and that there wasn't anything to be alarmed about." He concluded, and before either of you could have another thought pass through your brains, Hunter teleported away.

     Once Hunter left you opened the door to his room. You were still balancing the basket in one arm as you shut the door behind you and took a peek at the note that you were looking at earlier. The parchment was high quality similar to that of watercolor paper and had blue inked lettering occupying the space. You untied the note from the basket carefully so as to not rip it and took a closer look after setting the rest of the stuff on the bed.

Dear y/n,
     My wonderful wife informed me that no one has given you proper care items so I took it upon myself to provide them. If you ever need anything my door is always open. I know The Golden Guard can be a bit difficult to deal with so if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here.  Knowing what's happening to you, I know you'll need the support. So please never hesitate to come and find me.
                                                                                                                With will wishes, Nurse. Lily.
P.s. I left some more ointment and sleeping pills in the basket as well. My sweet Carnelian told me you would need it.

     You smiled down at the note and start looking through the basket gently as to not accidentally break something. There was a variety of soap bars that all smiled good enough to eat which you found astonishing considering what the Boiling Isles had to offer. At the bottom of the basket were two towels and two face clothes. After about ten minutes you had made a mental list of all that had been included in the basket and took what was needed for your much needed shower.

     But before you could your attention was brought to the collar and remote you had laid aside. You didn't know exactly what to do with it so decided it would be best to place it back in the basket ,that you had shoved under the bed, for the time being, assuming Hunter would want you to put it back on later. With that done, you picked up your towel, face cloth, deodorant, and bar of soap then walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.

Word Count: 1207

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