23: Coming In Clutch

Comincia dall'inizio

"Ooh, winning hearts left and right." Saito whispered to Yuji, who swatted him away. 

"Think I'll be an acceptable waiter?" He asked, doing a little twirl. The class president just nodded quickly and excused herself. 

Yuji's phone buzzed and without a second thought he pulled the skirt up to reach his pants pocket. Once he had taken his phone out though, Izunami took her cue to just yank his pants down. Of course she did. They had known each other for way too long and had far too few boundaries. 

The blue haired teen glared at her and stuck his tongue out, because he was mature like that, and took his pants of fully. He'd have to take them off at some point anyways. 

"What's up?" He answered. It was Izuku, which was weird. He should be preparing for the cultural festival at U.A right about now. 

"I need your help Yuji!" The nervous hero student said immediately, "We need stronger rope-the stuff we have now isn't going to cut it and we don't want anyone to get hurt. I was wondering if we could borrow some of yours? Kacchan said you always had some on you.". 

"Yeah," Yuji laughed, "I can bring it. When do you need it?". 

"Um-like right this instant?". Izuku sounded apologetic already and Yuji felt bad for him. And it was true-he did have rope on him and he did make some damn good rope. 

"I'm on my way!". 

(he pointedly ignored the 'whipped' comments from his friends) 

-------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ----------- -------- 

"And so, La Brava, we will simply need to trigger the alarms and the whole festival will be cancelled! No other villain could dream of destroying U.A the way I plan too today!" Gentle Criminal said, laughing proudly to himself. 

La Brava started clapping. "Wow! Gentle you're a genius! And the plan is rock solid, nothing could disrupt it now.". 

And as if on cue at that moment Yuji emerged from the forest in his bulky colourful sneakers and blue dress, his black vigilante backpack (minus the signature logo of course, he wasn't dumb enough to keep it on) strapped across his chest as he ran towards the campus. 

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked, tilting his head innocently. He totally hadn't planned that for the dramatic irony. 

The villains spun around, clearly startled. "A civilian!" The man announced, "You should run now before you're forced to deal with me, Gentle Criminal!". 

"You're the youtube guy!" Yuji said, snapping his fingers in realization. 

"You know me?" Gentle asked, sounding a little touched. "Are you a viewer? Is it not amazing to meet and idol in perso-".

His speech was interrupted by Yuji punching him in the jaw. The villain stumbled back clearly shocked with a bruise already forming. 

"Like hell am I going to let you ruin my friend's festival." He all but snarled. "Nice try, you Alfred wannabe, but this sort of shit doesn't slide on my watch.". 

"Gentle!" La Brava cried out, running over to him. Yuji grabbed a nearby fallen branch and whipped it at her. The girl fell back against a tree and looked at him in complete shock. "You-you hurt me?". 

"Well, yeah. You're a villain." Yuji said, "What did you expect? A flat screen tv?!". 

"No one hurts La Brava!" Gentle said, using his elastic quirk to bounce off nothing, swinging for Yuji, who as per usual dodged. 

The problem here was that because Gentle was bouncing off of literal air at top speed Yuji didn't have time to reach into the bag and get his utility belt. 

This was going to be a weird ass fight. 


Glad I got to bring Yuji's friends back. I feel like they've been missing for too long. 

There's suspiciously no mention of the incoming villain attack in this chapter...I wonder why. 

Oh wait, this is a double update. Silly me. 

I want to make a playlist for Yuji so badly because so much music suits him. Like you just know this bastard listens to megan thee stallion on a daily basis. Yuji fights to his own soundtrack for gods sake, he deserves a playlist. 

You guys have all guessed his music taste pretty perfectly. Ke$ha song like Die Young and Tiktok, a healthy dose of some edgy Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, both Material Girl songs, Lizzo, Lil Nas X, lots of 80s pop stuff with some Queen in the mix (mostly just good old fashioned lover boy tho). He's just iconic like that 💅

Oh and so much ABBA. Like arguably too much ABBA. 

I realized while writing this that in Yuji's fic I kept most of the pop culture we have in real life canon, but in Sanyu's I kept it all in his world, so it doesn't exist in the bnha world in his fic. 

So Sanyu would probably love Yuji because in his bnha world nobody even knows who any musicians or celebrities are. 

Basically in my head they sing karaoke together and no one knows else what the fuck is going on 😂

Off The Rails (BNHA x Male OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora