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You're called Into you Father's Offuce. You and you're Father have a wonderful relationship. Even after your Mother died a few years ago. You guys mourned together and didn't push each other away.

As you walked down the east wing halfway your nervous, you've heard talk about an arrangement of marriage. But you didn't doubt your father of doing something that reckless for the best of the kingdom even in thought of others opinions

You reached his Office and knocked three times. Something you and you father came up with to indicate one another. You enter and your Father and his most loyal 4 servants at his side along with the North's Kingdoms Queen and her Daughter. Your surprised. You look a mess, you just got of self defense training. Your hair frazzled from the tussling and your still wearing your amor.

On the other hand you Father Is dressed to impress as well as his servants. The North's Queen is well as the same. His daughter is stunning she's wearing a wonderful gold dress that accentuates her beautiful dark skin. Beautiful accessories coming down her arms, neck,and ears. Her tiara is what's accentuates her stunning face. You're eyes stay on her a bit longer then needed. Your Father clearing his throat is what breaks your gazing.

Your bow towards you Father, his servants and the North's Queen and daughter.

"This is my daughter, Arist. These are my most trusted servants Suga, Jungkook, Jin, and Hobi. Please see to them if you have any troubles" Your Father says. Your anticipation is rising. "This is my daughter Reaore. She'll be staying here until the wedding. It's quite dangerous to have her in our Kingdom" The Queen says, "who's wedding Father ?" I asked. The Queen looked at my Father with sorrow and disappointment. "Please step out and give me and minute aline with my daughter" My father says.

The others walk out and now I'm alone with my father in silence waiting for him to speak up on what this is all about. "You're getting married honey. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier" You were stunned. You froze up, your breath hitched in your throat. "Its for the best of the Kingdom, you have to understand that" He looked down from where he was standing. You regained your composure. "Dad tell me your joking. Tell me it isn't true. Im not ready for that." You started pacing around the room

"Calm down honey. It's nothing to panic over. Shes a wonderful woman. You'll be pleased. Let's discuss this further. Okay? I love you"
Your father's words always calmed you down no matter how dire the
Situation is. You breathed in and out and went to your father's side as he invited the other back in.

You tried your best to have a stotic
expression. Your Father's servants look distressed for you. And the Princess is cautious because of the look on your face "let's make this short shall we " the Queen says "Yes, Reaore will be staying in the chambers right beside Arist anything you need or desire you can ask my daughter. You all are excused" I was the first one to walk out the room heading back to my room to develop this information.

Then comes right after behind me is the Princess and then the servants. It was silent in the hallway as we walked. Only the stomps of my armor. As we are coming upon our chambers the servants guide the Princess to hers and then I headed to Mines closing the door behind me firmly. I let out a long sigh as I let my self fall to the floor and closing my knees in on their selves. The armor making it difficult but I really couldn't care. After a few minutes I get up and head to my showers.

Time Skip

After my shower my head was more clear and with my towel at my waist showing off my v line and a sports bra on I heard a knock on my door "It's Princess Reaore. Please open up Arist"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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