𝟲- 𝗰𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲

Start from the beginning

after serving a few customers felix was ready to go into the staffroom and change his clothes so he can go home. but well, luck wasn't his best friend "felix" he heard a whisper behind him, it was the same red-haired girl from earlier "yes?" "Can you cover me? my boyfriend just surprised me and he's right outside, I can't really say no now" she pleaded with eyes looking like a puppy 

ah well, how could felix refuse? that would be 'mean' in his dictionary "I'm seriously so sorry you know I would never do this but-" "it's totally fine don't worry I'll cover you, enjoy your date!" felix chuckled making her do the same as she side hugged him "thank you so much you're a lifesaver" 

the two were decent work friends and felix would rather die than make his friend upset, he walked away from the staff room back to his original spot with a gloomy expression on his face. he hated to admit but his back was killing him he just wanted to be home and rest right now 

but he was a strong boy, he wouldn't let his pain get to him. or at least that's what he liked to believe in 

felix heard the bell ring indicating another customer has walked inside, he looked up gazing right at the entrance but much to his surprise the customer that walked in wasn't just a normal customer, it was the guy he had shared his wishes with, it was the guy who had listened to his desires like they mattered, it was the same guy who let felix inside his heart without his knowledge and shared some of his secrets nobody knew in the entire world 

felix licked his lips watching the guy dressed in all black sit down at a table at the very back, well that seemed like a hyunjin thing.  

felix looked down at his hands suddenly feeling very nervous, what was the matter? why was he feeling this way? hyunjin looked around searching for a server but his eyes missed the mop of brunette hair as he raised his hand "felix, can you help that guy over there?" he heard the cashier speak but he was lost in his trance 

for some reason felix didn't want to encounter hyunjin, he felt uncomfortable in the boy's presence. almost ashamed and embarrassed "felix?" his co-worker spoke again this time poking his arm gently "yes?" felix spoke looking up "can you help that customer over there? there's no other server free" he spoke making Felix gulp and nod even if he didn't want to 

'this is my job, I can't chicken out. why am I even chickening out? what's the problem with me' felix wondered in his head, talking to himself helped him calm down in situations that called for it, so he always chanted stupid sentences in his head to keep him distracted from the subject 

walking towards hyunjin felt like a walk towards hell. the brunette's legs were barely moving and his heart was beginning to accelerate, he reached the table but kept his eyes glued to the notebook in his hand which was very unlike him "what can I get you?" he questioned as hyunjin looked up from his phone causing felix to pull his cap even lower

"I- oh" hyunjin was suddenly interrupted in his sentence when he saw Felix's face. he wasn't expecting to see him here, felix bit his lower lip praying to the gods above that he wouldn't notice and this reaction of him was caused by something else "well, if it isn't you" felix bit so hard on his lip he could've sworn it was bleeding 

he lowered the notebook staring at hyunjin who was looking at him with blank facial expressions "how can I help you today?" felix questioned again completely dodging hyunjin's words, he wasn't like this normally he just didn't want to be in front of hyunjin right now 

and the question was why "someone's in a bad mood" hyunjin taunted as he sighed sitting  back in his seat "an iced americano" felix nodded quickly scribbling it on his notebook he turned around and walked away from the scene as quick as humanly possible 

hyunjin watched him disappear into the kitchen while he chuckled lowly "weirdo" he muttered to himself not aware of why felix was acting that way. a few moments later felix walked toward hyunjin with his desired order as he sat it down on the table in front of him "anything else sir?" hyunjin quietly stared at felix pushing his hoodie back a little so he could get a better view of the brunette guy who was constantly trying to dodge his gaze 

hyunjin remained quiet as he took a sip of his drink his eyes not leaving Felix's face "disgusting" he stated which caused felix to look at him "yes?" he questioned clearly confused "this coffee is terrible, I want another one" felix was stunned by his statement but abiding by the rules of his workplace he nodded "I'm sorry for that" he spoke taking the coffee in his hand as he turned around to walk away 

hyunjin watched the pretty boy leave once again and return after a few moments, "here you go" felix muttered as he sat the coffee down once again, hyunjin didn't waste a second and attached his lips to the beverage "average" hyunjin spoke making felix quietly stare at him, it was obvious he was doing this on purpose. but why?

the two didn't exchange any words, instead, they watched each other's eyes "why are you avoiding me?" hyunjin suddenly spoke up and felix looked down then back up at him 'because you know the part of me nobody knows, my wishes, the wishes I never let anyone hear, the wishes I was going to die with' "I'm not" he replied 

"I do tend to make people uncomfortable often, did I make y-" "no, it's nothing like that" felix was quick to cut him off of course he didn't want hyunjin to feel like he had made the boy uncomfortable when the truth was that nobody had made him feel that much at ease and comfortable in years 

"okay" hyunjin got quiet again, just then three boys walked inside the cafe ringing the bell as they walked close to a table and set down, "oi pretty one, help us out here" a boy that appeared to be in his late teens spoke up catching Felix's attention, he walked towards them "how can I help you today?" felix asked with a soft smile on his lips

"3 vanilla milkshakes with a side of you" the eldest of the three commented attempting to flirt with the pretty boy standing before them, felix licked his lips nodding completely ignoring the obviously uncomfortable comment. he was used to customers like these

"I'll be back in a moment" with that felix turned around to leave while the boys continued their conversation laughing and chatting loudly unaware of the piercing jet-black eyes watching them

promptly felix came back with their order setting it down on their table "according to my order you're supposed to stay" felix sighed "can I get you anything else?" "yes, you" felix was at a loss for words, how do you respond to such idiotic sentences? "leave the boy alone" a voice spoke from behind felix as he turned around to look at who it was, and his eyes found no other than the boy his fate has been bringing to him constantly, without a break

leading him to believe it was nothing but a coincidence, but how could it be coincidental? when all this time his destiny was written to be with this specific male. how could it be coincidental when this boy was written to save his life


TRASH ABSOLUTE TRASH I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS I hate the way this story is turning out sm :( I wanna make it better but I j can't 

not proof read <3 

𝟓𝟕 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬; 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now