"That's Uncle Dwayne..." Lauren stated.

"Dwayne!" Mike rushed to the car when the car door opened and Uncle Dwayne's body fell to the ground. Lauren froze, looking at her uncle who was covered in blood all over his face. She didn't even realize her mom was standing beside her holding onto her shoulder.

Lauren watched Uncle Dwayne whispered something at her Dad before weakly called Lauren. She approached her uncle slowly and pulled him into a hug. "Lauren, I have to go." Lauren pulled away and wave at Dwayne. She'd kiss her uncle on the cheek, but his face was covered with bruises and blood, so she rather not.

"Don't go fighting anymore." Lauren said.

Uncle Dwayne chuckled and waved back at Lauren before getting in his car and drove away.

"Lauren, now go to sleep. No buts, no laters. Now." Her mom said sternly. Lauren sighed before dragging herself towards the house, leaving her mom with her dad outside.


"Lauren! Get up!" Lauren's eyes fluttered open. She looked at her brother whose face was full of anxious.

"Tell me where's your brother Dwayne?!" She heard a faint yelled from outside the house.

"I don't know!" That's her dad.

"Don't lie to me!! My people say he is here!!"

"He was here!!" Her mom.

After that she heard grunts and groans. Sounds like people fighting outside.

"Arghhhh!!" Lauren heard her dad screamed.

Lauren and Logan rushed out of the room. Their eyes widen at the sight of their dad being stabbed with a knife. Logan cried and Lauren was shaking.

"Mike!!" Her mom screamed and rushed to her dad's side.

"Kill her!" She heard the man's command and immediately she saw her mother throat was slashed. Lauren screamed and started to cry when the man took her brother and stabbed him.


Lauren heard a gunshot and the man who was holding Logan's dead body fell to the ground. After that, Lauren heard several gunshots again until all the five men fell to the ground. They're all dead. There was blood stain everywhere.

"Lauren," She heard her name being called from the doorway. There was Uncle Dwayne standing there with a few men behind him.

**Flashback end**


Calls from outside the cabin startled Lauren from her flashback. She took a deep breath before opening the door, revealed Demi.

"Yes Demi?"

"Lauren ... Selena and I need to attend a meeting with clients in Canada. Can you please keep an eye on my mother?"

"Of course."

"Thanks and don't forget to help Dinah at the diner."

"Yes boss, I will."

"Take care," Demi said, patting Lauren's right shoulder. "Remember what I said. If there's somebody messing with you or whatever, just ignore them don't let your anger get the best of you."

"I remember." Lauren nodded.

"Alright. I got to go. Bye Laur."


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