Yet no matter how much I trained, studied, or hoped, no matter how many other accomplishments I had earned or how masterful my control of simple magics, no gift had come.

I could feel my mother's piercing eyes boring into me, even as she spoke rather pleasantly to the noble woman at my side. I had not been paying attention and had let my mental shield drop just a hair. A tiny slip was all it took, however, for the fiery heat of her power to threaten to reduce my mind to a molten puddle. It was a reminder to stay alert. I hauled my walls back up, and if I didn't know any better I would have sworn to see a small, cunning smile play at the corners of my mother's mouth.

I did my best to tune out the drole conversation unless it was absolutely pertinent that I respond. Instead I poked at my roast with my knife, any semblance of appetite having disappeared long ago. I was busy contemplating that morning's lessons when Lady Beaumont said something I couldn't ignore.

"Summer solstice is fast approaching your majesty. I hope you have yet another fabulous party planned. My husband and I always look forward to your lavish festivities this time of year."

Summer solstice was the longest day of the year and was heavily celebrated in my kingdom as the warm son reflects the fiery nature of our magic. My mother always throws the most pretentious festival, lasting three full days and culminating in an elegant ball on the night of the solstice itself. There is always delectable food, dancing that lasts well into the next morning, and a form of entertainment that the whole kingdom looked forward to: a show of power from the nobility as well as the King and Queen themselves. It would be a fun, carefree evening if I didn't have to uphold the mannerisms of a princess and be paraded around in front of the whole kingdom. The pomp and circumstance of it all made it the most dreaded night of the year for me.

"Yes well, we have never been the type to disappoint, I don't see why we would start now." My mother gave my father a look meant to showcase the love of royalty, a look so sickeningly fake that it made my empty stomach screw up. My father gave only the slightest indication that he had been listening, not pleased to find his conversation with the lord interrupted. Only I could recognize the full force of resistance it took for her not to drive her fork through his plump hand. Instead she rolled her eyes and turned back towards us.

"Anyway, it has been quite some time since summer solstice has aligned with a full moon. As this is a special, uncommon event, we have made the decision to graciously invite the nobility from our neighboring courts to join in the festivities. It has been ages since the three kingdoms have come together; it'll be a nice change of pace if we can all stand to be amongst each other without a fight breaking out. And it will be the perfect opportunity to announce Seraphina's engagement to the prince of the Emerald kingdom."

I froze, nearly choking on my wine. This was the first I'd heard of an engagement, especially one to someone outside of my kingdom. Rage rose from deep in my gut, bubbling up until I was sure I would spit fire if I so much as opened my mouth. So I clamped my lips shut tight, trying -and failing- not to grind my teeth.

Father, looking utterly terrified of the dramatics that were likely to occur, rose with the purpose of showing Lord Beaumont his collection of ancient weaponry in the basement of the manner, far from the theatrics of the dining hall.

Anyone who didn't know my mother would think that she had discussed this with me prior to announcing it at dinner, or that it had simply been a slip of the tongue from excitement at the prospect of her only daughter marrying. I knew better. She had purposefully kept the arrangement from me in order to make a show of it, in order to get a rise out of me. Every spoken word, every little movement and action made tonight had been meticulously planned and perfectly executed. Her sole purpose in this to provoke me, test me, to see if I would make a scene in front of her guests. She expected me to lash out, and I wanted to. I wanted to scream and yell profanities. I wanted to launch myself across the table and wring my dear mother's spindly neck. But giving into these desires would be playing right into her hand and I had no intention of giving her the satisfaction.

"Prince Terran," I began slowly, raising my eyes to meet hers in a deadly staring match, "I'm told is a kind soul, and quite the romantic."

The predatory smile slipped from her lips as I thanked Lady Beaumont for her company and calmly excused myself from the dining hall. Mother had been unable to elicit the response she had hoped for and that bothered her far more then she would ever admit. I made sure to hold my head high, my posture victorious, as I sashayed from the room.

Once I was again in my own bedroom, far enough away from her mental prowess, I buried my face into a silk pillow and screamed.


After I had had enough time to lull the boiling blood in my veins -and had broken every conceivable object in my room- I changed into simple gown of red linen and my way down into the armory to speak to my father. I found him outside the training hall, watching curiously as Lord Beaumont admired a rather large ornate broadsword that hung on the wall.

"Tell me, father dear, that you knew nothing of this engagement. Or, better yet, tell me it is a farce, that there is not true intention of marrying me off to a prince from a rival kingdom, a man that I have never met, and have hardly even heard of."

Father cleared his throat, nervously wiping at sweat that was now beading along his thinning hairline. He had obviously thought his earlier attempt to avoid this subject had been successful and was not thrilled to have to answer my questions. He was quiet for a minute, perhaps contemplating calling in his wife to handle this sensitive situation. He had never been good at father-daughter talks; most of our communicating was done silently, him occasionally giving a word of praise when he came down to witness my sparring matches with Mr. Demoins. When he did finally speak, he drew out his words as if he had to think about each and every one before he let it leave his lips.

"Well...Seraphina...It is a good match. It will be good for the kingdoms, for the continent." He cleared his throat once more, watching to see what kind of reaction his words would evoke. Once he decided it was safe to go on, he continued, "Prince Terran has shown great promise with his affinities. And with the kingdoms still on edge from the war...well, this engagement is one of convenience. It presents an image of allegiance and strength to Cyllesia. It will prove that this war has long ended and that the kingdoms can once again begin to trust one another and work together. Our kingdom depleted a large sum of its resources in those last years of the war, and the Emerald kingdom's gifts are such that we would greatly benefit from an alliance. Their fields are rich with crops, their livestock healthy and thriving. I'm sorry Seraphina, but you must give this marriage a chance, for the sake of our people, your people."

He was right, of course. During the war, our kingdom had all but starved, the dry red soil of our kingdom not ideal for farming or raising livestock. If we kept on living the way we had been, ignoring the fast disappearing stock of food, the people in the villages would die. This revelation cooled some of the ire burning in my chest but it did not evaporate it completely.

Perhaps sensing the steam rolling off of me, my father ushered his guest down the hall to a different room in the armory. I ran my hands through my hair, pushing it off of my forehead and behind my ears, and went searching for a willing distraction. Luckily I did not have to look far, finding one in the shape of a male servant who had been busy polishing a silver display case.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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