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Steve's P.O.V

I was sitting in my living room on my couch drinking some tea from a mug as I wondered when the storm outside would end when I decided to take a shower. I got up and went to my bathroom, I turned on the water and undressed, once I got in the shower I breathed a sigh of relief... after my shower, I got dressed in a pair of pine green boxers, black leggings, and a white baggy t-shirt. I walked over to my bookshelf and grabbed a random book, walked back over to my couch, and sat my fat booty down. I looked at the book and the title read "the legend of Herobrine" in bright big gold letters. "oh, I forgot I got this book a while ago" I said out loud to myself. the rain was starting to pick up fast. I was just about to sit back down from going to make another cup of tea in the kitchen when there was a loud knock on the door, I jumped at the sudden noise and carefully walked over, opening the door only to see a man with dark brown hair in a teal t-shirt with navy blue jeans and grey combat boots, but the worst part was that his eyes were glowing white, I quickly slammed the door shut putting my back to it slowly sliding down till I was sitting on the floor. he kept knocking harshly. "please, it's really cold and wet out here," he said in a voice that made him seem sad and tired. I hesitantly stood up and opened the door, stepping to the side and signaling for him to come in, he did and I shut the door behind him. "my bedroom is up there, you can take a shower and I'll try to find some clothes that will fit" I said leading him to the bathroom, he nodded and walked in shutting the door behind him. I walked into my room looking for some clothes that would fit him, he was most likely 6'1, to be honest, I was about 5'7, so we definitely have different sizes, lucky for him I like to wear really baggy clothes sometimes. after a few minutes Herobrine walked into the room and I handed him his clothes quickly getting out of there, blushing from him only wearing a towel, and his abs made me wanna drool. I was sitting on the couch when he came over and laid down putting his head on my lap. "um, can I help you?" I asked poking his head hoping he would move, yet he just laid on his back to look up at me. "I am kinda hungry," he said looking at me expectingly. "get your own damn food! and get your head off me!" I yelled pushing him away. he looked at me in surprise before he burst out crying, I sat there in shock for a good 2 minutes, I snapped out of it and cradled him on my lap till he eventually fell asleep. 'that was weird' I said to myself. I laid on the couch using all of the strength I had since he was like 180 pounds, yet he was kinda on the skinny side, I mean he had abs, and huge biceps. I walk over to my room and face-planted into my bed getting ready to sleep... 

The next day I woke up only to find Herobrine right on top of me snoring quietly. I shook him hoping he would wake up, which he did. "mmm" he groaned sitting up. "why are you on top of me?" I asked with an angry expression on my face. he just ignored my question and laid his head back on my chest. "GET YOUR FUCKIN' HEAD OFF MY CHEST, YOU MORON!" I yelled more pissed than I've ever been in my life. he burst out crying like last night, only a lot louder. I decided I wasn't going to calm him down this time and just got off the bed and walked away... it had been over an hour and he was still in the bedroom crying, if it wasn't for the storm I would have left and made a new house somewhere else. I was trying to read but his stupid crying was making it very difficult. the storm was still there - along with the sounds of crying - but it was only raining now, I read online that the lighting and thunder would start up again tonight, so I packed my bag with some food and water, along with some torches, grabbed my pickaxe, and ran out the door, I ran to the mine which only took about 5 minutes. I started walking down the cave placing torches every now and then, till I found some coal and iron...

time skip bish

After I finished mining I went home and as I walked in I was greeted with a hug, I was going to push him when I decided to just hug him back, and no, I didn't do it cause I felt bad, I just didn't want to hear him crying again. I sat him on the couch and went to make some food, after it was done I brought it to him, it was a turkey sandwich with oil, cheese, and tomato. he took it and ate it like an animal. I had been mining all day, so it was nighttime now, I was heading to my room but before I entered I turned around and spoke sternly to Herobrine. "Stay. On. The. Couch." he nodded and laid down. I walked into my room and shut the door behind me, laying in bed...

When I woke up, once again Herobrine was lying on top of me. I pushed him off the bed and turned over. I felt him on the bed again crawling over to lay right up against me. pushed him away and got out of bed, I left the room and went into the kitchen to make some tea, after it was done I sat on the couch and started watching tv. not 10 seconds later was Herobrine in my lap hugging me. I sighed trying not to scream at him, right now he was nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck, I tried to ignore but it was just so annoying. "can you Stop?!" I finally broke and yelled at him. he pulled away from me and furrowed his brows starting to cry. that was my final point I grabbed his arm and dragged him outside going back inside slamming the door in his face. I walked back over to the couch and tried to ignore his rapid knocking. I sipped my tea and sighed in relief at the silence of no more knocking. "please! it's cold!" I heard him yell. if he thought that was going to work then he has very wrong. he kept screaming and crying, so I went up to my room and turned on some music... and it worked I couldn't hear him anymore...

I heard loud thunder booming along with the bright flash of lighting. I was starting to feel kinda guilty about just throwing him out. I got up and walked to the door, taking a deep breath I opened the door and looked down to see him curled up in a ball shivering and what I assumed crying, I tapped his shoulder but he didn't respond, I shut the door and ran up to the bathroom, I grabbed a towel and quickly went back to the door, opening it and covering Herobrine, he looked up at me waiting for some kinda response. "come on, let's get you dried and I'll make you some food, ok?" I asked. he nodded and stood up and walked into the house, I walked in behind him and shut the door. I walked him to the bedroom and gave with some clothes, I left the room shutting the door behind me, and went to clean up the water. after a couple of minutes, I was done and Herobrine came out of my room, I sat him on the couch and went to get him some food. once the food was done - which was just a grilled cheese - I gave it to Herobrine and sat down next to him sitting crisis cross apple sauce, he finished his food really fast and sat in my lap again...

It was getting late and I decided to go to sleep, Herobrine laid on the couch and stared at me as I entered my room... it had been about an hour and I still couldn't fall asleep, I heard my door open and soon felt - what I guessed was Herobrine - crawl onto the bed and lay on my chest, I decided to just let it go and talk with him tomorrow. After a little while, I fell asleep...


Well that was a wip, can't believe its out already. hope ya'll liked it<3

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