Chapter 9

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(curse warning)

Giyuu’s POV
Taking care of this angry man is difficult. Especially when I only have one arm, and he asks about it all the time. He is definitely not shy about anything he has on his mind. Thinking of gorey fights? Let's talk about it during dinner. Thinking about intercourse? Let's just bring that up when trying to clean. It's strange and different but it's entertaining.
After the movie; which I paid barely any attention to, it was time to make dinner. I got up and walked into the kitchen. I can't wait to get paid. I'm saving up for a mechanical arm. Then I have to learn how to use it and all. It was all a work in progress. I shuffled around and looked for something to make.
I ended up finding some salmon and other ingredients. So I tried to make my favorite salmon daikon. When it was done, it didn’t look terrible but still could have been better. I then had Sanemi set up the table. After that I had him get his food and I got mine. We both went and sat at the mini kitchen table. Which was in the super small dining room. Since I live in an apartment the rooms are quite smaller.
Then we started eating, one thing I learned about him is that he isn't a picky eater. Which was quite shocking to know. A bit of conversation went on during dinner.

"So you want to sleep with me?"

He smirked, and I almost choked on my water. That way he worded it sounded very wrong. I'm not very sociable but I need to clear things up.

"I am sore... That is my bed. So I will be sleeping in it."

He just glared at me and then rolled his eyes. We continued eating dinner. Then afterwards I went and cleaned the dishes. While he seemed to be thinking about something. I didn’t ask because it wasn't really my business.
Often I see him staring at my missing right arm. He's probably curious. Actually most people are, I get questions most of the time. Like; 'how'd you lose it', and 'are you okay?' No I'm not okay. I have to function without one arm. Also, it's just plain rude to randomly ask someone how they lost their arm. I don't go up to pregnant women and ask 'is the father still around?' Like mind your own business please.
(Sassy Giyuu supremacy)
Yet, Sanemi hasn't asked me about it once. It is refreshing but I know he is curious. He doesn't mean to stare but sometimes curiosity gets the better of people. After I finished the dishes I walked over to him.

"Do you want to know more about this?"

Then I pointed at my missing arm. His eyes widened a little bit, he seemed interested. So I walked over to the couch and sat down. He also sat down, really close. Which is dangerous for my homosexuality. A hot shirtless guy sitting mere inches away infront of me. I shook my head and started to explain.

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