Chapter 7

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(curse warning)

Giyuu’s POV
We all agreed to not make his presence known. He'd be experimented on and tested. Yes this is a big life changing discovery, but we are kind caring people. Sabito was desperate to find more artifacts before we left though.
He even had me ask the Pharaoh Sanemi. Surprisingly he showed us the way and we dug. We found clay pots, old jewelry and more. Then we headed back a few days after that. He had already been here for a month. We also agreed to have the Pharaoh live with me.
That is since only I know how to speak the language. Not many people know of the last Tanai king. So I'm not worried about hiding him.
Plus the hieroglyphics don't look very accurate. Yet now I have to teach him how the world is now. Also to teach him other languages so he could chat with others. This is gonna be stressful and tiring.
I really didn’t expect all of this from digging up at a Tanai sight. Once I got him back to my place, I had to figure out where he'd be sleeping.
Yet, I only have a small apartment with one bedroom. He walked in and was amused, everything he has seen so far has all been new to him. Surprisingly he has been taking it well. He completely understands that he has been dead for a long time. So he also understands how things are different now.

"So how do people do things? And you said that I can't fuck anyone I want to. Guys can like guys now right?"

Wow he is quick with what he wants… I sighed and tried to explain that he can't do that anymore. Yet also that being homosexual is more accepting now.

"I haven't been with anyone in more than a thousand years and more!!"

Well I guess that makes sense but I'm not sure really how to help. I just showed him to the couch. I got him a blanket and pillow and put on a show to better explain things. The show was a way to teach some more languages. It wont be  everything but it will be a starter. Then I went to bed. For awhile I'll be teaching him more. Then along the way I'll be teaching him about modern life.
When I woke up I could tell that he was trying. He was sitting on the couch trying to say hi. I know it's unnatural for him. So for a while I'll be mostly teaching modern things. The language part will be taught just not as strongly. I'm going to need a lot of coffee to survive this.
I went and made us breakfast and showed him stuff about the kitchen and new foods. This is gonna take literal years. After a few months he got down the basics about home living. He can't speak any other languages well. One great thing though is that he is a fast learner.

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