Chapter 17: Struggle for Pantora

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"But if I heard correctly, the Pantorans had managed to avoid touching their weapons until recently." Rex commented.

"Is that true?" Ezra asked.

"Yes. Despite disagreements, Pantorans would hardly go against each other, so the situation might be more complicated than what it seems."

"Things are always more complicated than they seem." Ezra quipped. "You should know this far better than me."

Leia chuckled. "You're right about that."

"And what about the Talz?" Luke asked.

"They are a fairly primitive species, but they're smart. It is actually quite surprising that they allowed the fugitive Pantorans on the planet."

"Your former Senator evidently commands a great deal of trust on their part." Gozo commented.

"You'll see for yourself soon enough." Rex reassured as the Pelican began its final approach at the Republicans' base, which was built mostly in caves and canyons. One of these caves hosted a hangar a few meters underground, where they were allowed to land.

Ezra motioned Leia and Rex to go forward to make introductions, then he dematerialized his helmet in order to show his face and made sure that his lightsaber could be seen hanging from his belt. Luke did the same next to him as he already shivered.

"I never imagined there could be a place so cold in the galaxy." the Padawan commented.

"Before this mission is over, you'll probably run out of habitats to explore." Ezra quipped, making Luke chuckle before the cargo doors opened up.

When they finally got visual on the inside of the hangar, they found a delegation of Pantorans waiting for them, with a female pantoran elegantly dressed and around 40 years old. Aside from the armed guards, she was surrounded by a male pantoran and other two females who looked a bit alike.

Leia and Rex walked down and they were immediately greeted cordially by the woman.

"Princess Organa. Words can't express how good it is to see you again."

"I feel the same, Senator Chuchi." Leia replied with a smile.

Chuchi then turned toward the old clone. "Captain Rex. Always eager to fight, I see."

"That's what I do best, Senator. And by the way, it's 'Commander' now."

"Oh, congratulations." Chuchi chuckled.

"Senator," Leia said a bit formally before stepping aside to show the Jedi. "Allow me to introduce Jedi Knight and General of the New Republic Ezra Bridger and his Padawan, Commander Luke Skywalker."

Chuchi's eyes blinked with a bit of surprise when she heard the surname. She stepped a bit closer to Luke. "So it's true..."

Luke waited for a following up, but Chuchi seemed lost in wondering, so he asked. "You...knew my father?"

The pantoran recomposed herself. "And, if I'm thinking correctly, your mother mostly." then turned toward Ezra and made a polite bow. "Master Bridger. It is an honor to finally meet you."

Ezra returned the bow. "The honor is mine, Senator Chuchi. I hope we can work to a peaceful resolution of your conflict."

"That puts me at ease. I thank you, Jedi."

"Before we go, this is Commander Saori Gozo of the Systems Alliance. She is also a powerful Force-user, as well."

The two women shook hands. "It's the first time a see someone from the Milky Way." Chuchi commented with admiration.

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