012. stop barking at the snakes

Start from the beginning

Mackenzie looked up at the tomb that read 'Redfield' at the top. "Redfield."

"Voi-effing-là," JJ murmured, nodding his head at the tomb.

"See my great-great-grandmother. Olivia Redfield." John B scoffed, a small smile on his face. "That was her maiden name."

The group of friends looked at each other, all thinking that John B's concoctions were completely ridiculous.

"Alright, help me with the door. Come on." The boy gestured for his friends to come to him, which they did.

"One.. two... three!" They all grunted as they attempted to push open the rock-solid door covering the inside.

"Are you pushing?" Pope questioned the group.

"Yeah, I'm pushing." John B argued back.

"Come on, these doors like 700 pounds, man. It's not gonna budge." Pope backed away from the door, shrugging.

"No. We didn't come this far to get this far. We got this." JJ tried at the door again with no luck.

Out of nowhere, a hiss came from one of the cracks in the tomb, making them all jump back.

Mackenzie jumped backwards letting out a loud yelp as she went right into JJ's chest. Out of instinct, he grabbed onto the girl's waist. He felt his heart thumping in his chest as her hazel eyes locked with his. It was only for a few seconds before his heart broke as she tore out of his grip and walked over to stand by John B.

"Snake," JJ announced.

"Woah, Woah, Woah!" Pope jumped a mile as he caught sight of the animal.

"That's a moccasin, all right." JJ nodded at the name, a smile playing on his lips. "Ye old Dr. Cottonmouth."

"As the snake moved around on the ground, JJ began barking at it, trying to threaten it.

"JJ shut up. Shut up!" Kiara yelled at the boy.

"You're gonna wake the freaking dead, man." Pope looked at him, wide-eyed.

"They're afraid of dogs, everyone knows that man." JJ tried explaining to them, motioning to the snake.

The group started to walk back up to the tomb, trying to again figure out how to crack it open.

"Wait, wait. Hold on." JJ stopped them before they got too far.

A string of, 'what's' came from the group's mouths as JJ walked in front of them. "If there's one, there's probably dozens."

"Great." Mackenzie sighed, itching towards the body beside her to hide behind it. John B noticed her discomfort and extended a hand out for her to grab, which she gratefully took. JJ couldn't help but shoot John B an angry look.

"Can you stop, you're scaring me." Kie groaned, rolling her eyes at the boy as he started barking again.

"Stop barking at the snakes." John B ordered the boy, "You're freaking Kenzie out."

"I'm just making sure the snakes don't go near Kenzie," JJ said, emphasizing the nickname he had given the girl the other night.

Mackenzie narrowed her eyes at the boy who was very clearly showing jealousy. He had been the one to completely brush off the moment that had happened last night, as he had practically turned her down.

"She's fine," John B scowled, he tightened his grip on the girl's hand and pulled her closer to him, "I've got you Kenzie."

"Look, John." Pope started. "Shut up!" He yelled to JJ behind him. "John, look we're not gonna get in it. It's not budging. We should probably go."

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