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“Ms Y/N you can come inside,” a voice was heard after the knock. “Good Morning Sir!” Opening the door, you met with a young man with his hair slightly parted to the left side, and dyed ombre red as highlights. “Take a seat.” His voice was strict and cold, totally different from his appearance.

“Seeing your CV I’m not that impressed, but looking back at your work in the Kim Industries I can rethink employing you, given the condition you won’t ask for a single leave.” Closing the black file he gazed at you intensely. Making you gulp out of fear. “Yes sir, I will try my best to work hard without lagging behind.” Bowing your head at a 90° angle you thank him. Taking the file from his hand.

“Also Miss Y/N since you’ve majored in business and arts you can directly start working with our executive team. I hope your work experience in the Kim industries could be seen here.” Crossing his palms against each other he placed it under his chin. Taking your breath away.

Those eyes weren’t friendly instead yelled danger towards you reminding you who’s the boss. Taking a peek at his name board your breath hitched reading the name.JEON JUNGKOOK?” What was the CEO of Jeon enterprises doing here in Kyans? Kyans was the company that had offered you a job. Nevertheless, you didn’t dare to ask him anything though. Bowing at him a final time, you exit his cabin inhaling in heavily.

“What the fuck, he intimidates me more then Jin ever could! Great, just fucking damn great. Wasn’t Jin already making my life a living hell? Why did you send this devil dressed and sculpted as an angel dear Lord? AHHHH!” Mumbling profanities and curses to your fate you headed to the executive department. Seeing four people sitting in their respective cubicles.

“You must be the new one joining us?” A woman in her mid 40’s wearing large framed square glasses and a short hair length asked you. “Yes, that's me. I’m Kim Y/N.” Not bothering to reveal the details that you were married to the cold business giant Kim Seokjin, you kept your introduction short.

“You can start working from now. Maria, please give her those files.” No sooner had she said that a slim and short girl came up to your desk with a pile of files. “WHAT THE FUCK?” Your mouth was hung open cursing mentally. “Is there any problem Miss Y/N?” Seeing your frozen state she enquired.

“Nope I’m totally fine haha.” Fake laughing and innerly crying you sit down on your chair mentally preparing yourself to work on those files.

“Maybe I should have just worked in Taehyung’s company at least my brother had my back. And I was restricted from overworking.”

Frowning at the immense errors in the document you rethink your life decisions.

“No! No! What the hell is wrong with you Y/N? You gotta prove it to Jin you ain’t a lazy wife who always slacks off at her house. Yes you got this girl, come on fighting!”

Encouraging yourself for the 169th time, your hands scribbled drafting out a rough copy of the errored file. Totally forgetting what time it was and the growling noise your stomach made. Occasionally reminding you it’s time to eat.

-11:30 P.M.-

The sound of the phone ringing alerted you to pick it up, keeping it on speaker. Not bothering to check who it was. Typing rigorously on the keyboard. “WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?” A loud voice yelled, making you shriek, hoping no one heard it. Quickly turning off the speaker you placed the phone on your ear.

“Oppa I’m at the company, I forgot to mention it earlier to you but Kyans accepted my resume yesterday. And today I was selected after the interview yay! Finally your sister made it out without your help. Shouldn’t you be happy for me and give me a treat?” Jimin was happy for you, he knew things had been really hard for you lately. Never had he felt this helpless as he did now.

“Do you even know what time it is right now?” Chuckling you mindlessly reply. “Yes it’s past lunch break, I’ll have my lunch soon. Once I'm done with my files.” He gasped shuffling on his bed. “Files? It’s fucking 11:35 P.M. Park Y/N and you’re in a haze it’s past lunch hour?” Gazing at your computer screen your pupils dilated seeing the time.

“Holy shit I didn’t at all acknowledge that time had passed. I have three more files to do. What the hell am I supposed to do now?” Jimin ushered out of his bed grabbing his car keys.

“You’re fucking worried about those files? And what do you mean by three more? How much exactly did they ask you to do on your first day? Wait right there I’ll be there. If your boss is around I need to have a serious talk with him.” It didn’t at all sound like he was joking from the tone of his speech it was obvious he was vexed. He hated seeing his sister in pain and seeing her stay late till night due to work on her very first day, definitely didn’t settle right with Jimin.

“Oh no! I forgot to inform Jin I’ll be late. Wait, he doesn't bother about my existence. Why would he even care that I was late? He’ll probably celebrate that I didn’t show up at his mansion today. That coldie I can’t bear his rudeness. Good for me this job is keeping me away from his sarcastic remarks every now and then. Alas! It's so time consuming. From tomorrow make sure to buy some takeovers early in the morning Kim Y/N.” Heading with the completed files towards Jungkook’s office. You saw an unrealistic sight.

“Oh he’s sleeping, should I wake him up? What if he gets angry because of me disturbing his power nap? Go with it Y/N it’s fine you can’t just sit here the entire night. Prepare yourself and gently knock on the door.” Jungkook woke up and panicked, with pouty lips while he rubbed his eyes. Clearing his throat once he recognised your presence at the doorstep he called you inside.

“Yes Miss Y/N?” Seeing you struggle with those files in your hands he rushed to help you. “Sir, I’ve completed these. There are three more left yet to be completed. Would it be fine if I give it to you by tomorrow?” He chuckled, placing it on his table. “Take your time, this was supposed to be submitted by the end of this week. You seem to be rushing through to complete your assigned tasks I see. Good work on your first day.”

Hiding his smirk he sat on his chair loosening his tie. With a faltered expression you glared at him, shocked at the sudden revelation. “He didnt even bother to notify it to me earlier nor did those stupid team members. Now he’s so cool about it? What the fuck??” Gritting your teeth you were about to take your leave when someone barged into the office. His gaze fell on the male sitting carelessly in his seat with no reports to complete.

“Jeon Jungkook?” Jimin scoffed. “So you’re the one who tortured my sister the entire day didn’t you?” Jungkook swallowing the lump in his throat didn’t go unnoticed by you. Jimin’s presence indeed did affect him. “Mr Park it would be better if you keep aside your personal feelings and let your sister work normally as an employee.”

Jimin scoffed, eyeing him with anguish. “I could buy this petty little company of yours and make her the CEO, don’t test my patience here. Don’t ever try bullying her again, did you get that?” Sweat beads were seen forming on his forehead. Jimin scoffed at the younger male. “You’re still scared of me aren’t you?” Gliding his tongue across his lips he viciously smiled at the male who sunk in his seat pretentious of the older male's unheralded apparition. He was afraid of Jimin.

“Let’s go Y/N. If I get to know you’re making her overwork I’ll sue you with the charges of violating labor law.” Jungkook was left dumbstruck . As Jimin held your wrist, taking you out of the company. You quickly took those pending files. Sitting in his car. Avoiding Jimin’s eyes. “Park Y/N care to explain to me why the hell were you listening to him? He made you overwork yet you didn't stand up for yourself.”

Seeing despair smothered on your face, he remembered something from his past. Jimin had felt the same loneliness once in his life where he had no one to rely on or that’s what he had felt. “I’m sorry.” You mumbled embarrassed. He sighed, not speaking a word further ahead.

“You’re the clear depiction of my past self Y/N don’t repeat those same mistakes which I did.” His eyes stinged with moist seeing your worn out state. Yet he couldn’t bring himself up to comfort you, he knew you wanted to be independent.

Jungkook watched them driving away from the building. “Did they leave?” The person from the other end asked. “Yes Jin Hyung they did.”

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